Monday 2 November 2015

First Day Working at PEAK

Went back to school to return half of my books and get my stuff signed. It was such a struggle omg had to run around everywhere and get angry teachers (Ms Surbey) to sign off. Also found the few hundred dollars we raised from Imagizine and finally gave it into the office. We donated the last few copies to the library. I cleaned out my locker and now the only thing left in it is Jan's sport shoes which I borrowed last term lol.

Then trekked to Livo to find KK stuff and I didn't even find everything they wanted so so so so struggle have to go look in Melbourne.

Anyway getting to the real point of this post:


Went to Peak at 4:30 wearing some super casual clothes. I had no idea what to expect. I was ushered into room 2 by some super friendly uni students where I met other uni students + people who just finished HSC. They were mostly Hurlstoners and Seftoners and I didn't know anyone so yippee time for socially struggled Serena to pop out. Jk it wasn't too bad. Everyone was so friendly. The older ones showed us around and taught us how to collect the homework booklets and what order to mark them in etc. 

We have to write our name on a post it note on whatever we mark so if we make lots of mistakes we are fucked LOL. 

But the atmosphere is so chill. We literally sit there marking and talking. And we get unlimited lollies and chips while we do it. Mel was so nice and she was complaining about how girls are so much bitchier than guys from her experiences as a school teacher.

We can come in any day the centre is open we don't even need to let them know we are coming in HAHAHAH. There is no roster or anything just come whenever you feel like it. And you can stay for as long as you like. If you can only come in for 1 hr that is all goods. I will probably do that actually and the good thing is its mostly open at around 4-8:30 so I can go out in the day and then come back at night to work. 

Mel told us if you want to be chill, don't come in on Tues-Thurs because that is when the big Sir is there and he grills you about your marks and ranks. No thanks. 

Also I was complaining to some of the markers that I was bad at English. They asked me what school I was from and I said Sydney Girls and then they were just like "you're probably not even bad at English. You're going to band 6 right?" I was so surprised that Sydney Girls was known for being good at English lol. 

Oh and I don't really know why I was hired because I feel like I ain't even qualified. This guy was taking marks off people for saying that Conservation of Momentum was "momentum is conserved in collisions" because he argued that it wasn't only conserved in collisions, it's just a general thing. I was just eavesdropping into the convo then discretely changed what I previously marked because I totally thought the definition had collisions in it. Hopefully I don't get fired because it is a really good job. 
Every time I came back from KFC I felt like I took a bath in oil and my feet always ached. And it was so inflexible. 

Some of the markers also applied for teaching and they will start interviewing for that in March. I would totally do it but I'm very deficient in confidence and a terrible public speaker. Also I would probably teach them the wrong thing.

On the bright side I did not do anything deathly embarrassing today. 

Need to wake up at 4:30am tmr for Melbourne goodbye world I am going to be dead tmr. Worse than badminton mornings. 

1 comment:

  1. omg u got hired

    i desperately need a job

    adult life is hard dudes
