Sunday 21 April 2019

vietnam flashbacks

Lizzie's 21st

So sad I haven't been blogging as much as I want to but sighs YA GORL IS JUST TOO BUSY NOW.
Anywho, celebrated Lizzie's 21st at an airbnb she rented in Punchbowl!! Was so weird because her fam was like pouring the shots for people and all her lil baby cousins were just running around amongst all the alcohol but yo thats how filipinos do it apparently and i love it. There was so much food and her cake was amazing!! HEHEHEH SQUAD GOALIES
her speeches were legitimately so emotional as well omgggg phuc's one was so cuteeeee :( She had 21 guys give her 21 roses for her 21st birthday and when it was finally Jez's turn I almost cried left right goodnight. I was also very drunk so that might explain a lil
then went back to Niina's ofc. When we pulled out her second bed we like heckin didn't set the legs up properly so when i went to sleep on it, it collapsed and her mum the next morning thought that we broke something

Archie Bros

I have been to Archie Brothers like 3 times in the past few months?? Its fun tho so das ok. 

So yeah Bree and I were super bored on Thursday so we decided to crash the Events x Programs bonding @ Archie Brothers but we never ended up actually bonding with the Programs people cus OFC we stuck with Yiyi and Niina hehehe. We got super lit off moscato and shots holy shizzles nizzles. 
it was a good time, we played Boombayah on the DDR machine and got absolutely destroyed by the expert level. Also played bumper cars hehehe and I s2g just went a lil cray

we had a big boi sleepover at niinas with Yiyi and Bree as well hehehe. next morning, had one egg each for breakfast then headed to uni to study for a bit. didnt do much unfortunately. 

culturing white people

bree asked me if I wanted to go donate blood with her and I was like yeet why not then found out I could only donate plasma because I'd been to cambodia in the last 3 months :( anywho, still went with her cus im a 10/10 supportive friend.

took her north queenslander ass to try xiao long bao for the first time and she really liked them!!! also made her try the truffle one lelllll 
then we went to the blood donation centre where her nerve got stabbed ya yeet, and after that was done we went to watch Us. IT WAS PRETTY ENTERTAINING BUT THE ENDING WAS NOT AS SATISFYING AS GET OUT like there were still many many many loose ends sighs

Cousin bonding 

went back to Carramar then immediately trained back out to the city again with my cousinsssss. For some reason we decided on going to Carter ?? BUT IT WAS A LIKE 8/10 FUN NIGHT HAHAHAHAH no ragrats at all
Ran into Niina and Vincent in the city (not on a date) and like 3 seconds later spotted Lulu's group like hell0 basic bitches heading to Sanctuary HAHAHHAA. Had a few drinks at Star Bar literally rip my bank account these past few weeks, then rushed to Carter to make the 10 pm entrance. 
Carter was actually super super fun but SO HECKING CROWDEDDDDD. Their music I would rate like 7/10 tho just because I don't know a lot of hip hop / rap songs. Niina & Vincent joined us as well eventually.
we stayed for sososos long just dancing and drinking but then had to all catch the last train home back to Carramar. Good thing about going out with my cousins is I have people to go home with hehe. 

other things

changed my dp for the first time SINCE GRADUATING FROM SGHS OMFG. amy came up with my dumb caption hehehehe
here's my princess looking as beautiful as ever

some time last week

[I wrote this when I was in a super depressy mood so sorry]
actively tryna remind myself that I've been in such a good mental state this WHOLE SEMESTER now what is happening to me??????????????????????????????? shut the fuck up you dumb ass motherfucking bitch you are the only one who is making yourself sad. 

holy fucking SHIT I seriously hate myself is this what relapsing feels like?? so good temporarily but then you're absolutely FUCKED again. Excuse the language but like real talk...

I wish I could cut holes into my blanket so I can fit my arms through and type


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