Monday 8 April 2019


Last Week 

i kinda forgot i had a blog oops


subcom meeting, exec meeting, did nothing in between HAHAHHA ceebs then sorted out some 50/50 with viv, drove niina home and then ye just dumb bitch things then went home? ?


woke up late, went to Quad to work on the computing lab with Maria. spent the whole day on it (what's new, mental health NOT OK doing these fucking labs).

Had a few shifts at the 50/50 stall. The one wiht Yiyi and Minh was fun lmfaooo just dicking around. Ran into Tahnee and Samwise Gamgee.

Then went to comp lab, got 7/10 for my 3 days of work (counts for only 5% ya yeet) HAHAHA then was depressed and Niina was free so we got food from Soul Burger and got ice cream from Cold Rock. Cold Rock is literally the most overpriced fkn thing EVER.
then walked back to uni and met up with Phuc & Dalz outside VSA speed friending. Phuc drove me home ya yeet.


Got to uni super duper late and did absolutely nothing with Wesley during our FEA tute. We started doing some random guy's physics questions for the lols.

then  got food from mamak and went to elec building to study with yiyi, minh, alcuin and some of yiy's other friends on mtrn assignment and got nowhere whats new. then drove yiyi home


first real PR bonding was pretty litty heheh. We met up at uni and took the bus to circular quay together. the bus ride was like lowkey awkward so many times like there were many many awkward silences that were only broken by bree/yushi saying the most random things OMG would literally die if they weren't on the team
had dinner at Chatthai which was fucking FUNNY bree and I were just talking about ourselves and she asked me what I did outside of uni to which I replied, absolutely nothing.......... AHAHAHAHAH im so uninteresting.

then we went to bowling and like legit im actaully PRETTY GOOD!! lavanya was so bad omg she kept getting 0s until we gave her the ramp thingo.

then we spent ages convincing Yushi to stay out so we could drink when she finally agreed with realised that Tara was still under 17 SO I GUESS NOT :(


Had WIESoc amazing race again. Was sosososo ceebs to have to run an activity because was feeling so antisocial BUT anyway, the bus to UNSW missed the UNSW stop for some reason so I had to walk 20 mins back up to Mathews Pavilion. When I got there, started setting up my M&Ms game and then Danika came and we started talking and idk she's so easy to get along with just one of those PEOPLE YENNO can't relate at all. We tried to test out whether the balloons for the balloon game were big enough by trying the challenge ourselves and scared the fuck outta ourselves by accidentally popping one lmfaoooo. My arm hurt so much afterwards.

but she's so wholesome and cuteeeee. Gave the challenge to the 8 groups that came, saw many many familiar faces omfg saw quite a few SGHS (my old peer support kid), and just other women in engineering that are aroundddd. YALLAH.

Then Danika and I packed up, swept the broken M&Ms under the tent covers and walked to Physics Lawn for lunch. talked to a few randoms and wiesoc people, helped with BBQ and ate some sausages miam miam.

Then wen to Ainsworth to help Nancy pack up and went home.

Was planning on going back out to the city for Lily's birthday but like idk was so depressed and ceebs so I called Amy instead and her, Eugene and Stephen were free to hang out so we went to Stonebowl. FIRST TIME AT STONEBOWL HEHEH it was pretty good!! We had wagyu beef, prawns with squid ink sauce, xiao long bao and chilli oil dumplings. After looking at the receipt it was surprisingly cheap for the quality omg. XIAO LONG BAO ONLY LIKE $11??? FOR 9 DUMPLINGS HELLO that is value right there.
then we went back to Amy's house, studied for a bit (I did not study i played guitar lmfao) then played overcooked for quite a while. ITS SOOOOOOOOOOO FUN OMG so so so fun HAHAHA.

drove home and got back in like less than half an hour cus im a speed demon 



lowkey think I'm a sociopath sometimes........

ANYWAY today woke up bright and early to go tutor Aidan, then picked Yiyi up at Cabramatta for her SURPRISE BIRTHDAY AT THE GROUNDS HEHEHEHE

she thought she was just going to lunch with me, Niina and Viv Tran but alas when we arrived there were some of her uni and cambodia friends waiting <3 <3 <3 IT WAS CUTE XDDDD

Ordered a shit tonne of food and cake and ate for ages then went to look at the animals. took some cute pics

went to the park nearby to chill for a bit before I had to leave for tutor round 2. Tutored Lily which was as always a wholesome time (we bonded over team members not doing anything), and then went home and watched a bit of the Madeleine Mccann doco, submitted a shit proposal for MMAN and now I'm catching up on what feels like a year of blogging.


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