Sunday, 26 November 2017


Fried an egg this morning for breakfast. It was almost as fried as I was last night.

Got really sad for about 5 minutes because I realised that once uni is over, its not socially acceptable to get fucked anymore :(

had such a nice day today at home not doing anything

Was at Amy's house on Friday day. FD came over as well and we made these yumm0 beef burgers. Kevin's friend was over as well and he was super shy and started handwashing his own plate when he finished eating lmao reminded me of old me when I went to Amy's house for the first few times and was so polite. Now I nap in their living room and hog their tv like its my own and don't even ask if I can come over??? AHAHAHA IM SO DIRTY AT THEIR HOUSE AS WELL AMY'S DAD WAS LIKE "I'LL PUT YOU IN THE WASHING MACHINE". Wore my Lorde shirt for legit 3 days in a row. (Actual footage of me being dirty af). We watched both volumes of Kill Bill for a chill time. 

Met up with Niina, Andy and Brenda at Star Bar. Niina was dressed so nicely and I was in my hobo clothes after not having returned home for 3 days. Saw Eugene outside Town Hall and said HIIIIIIIIIIIIIII and Tina was there too. We got a drink from Star Bar and then went to Kobow. We ordered seafood pancake and fried chicken plus too many bottles of soju. Hadn't gotten drunk in a solid week so I was so keen
Wasn't long before the declarations of love began. Andy was telling us his life story (cus he skulled like 3 bottles of soju HAHAHHA), Niina and I were telling each other how much we appreciated each other and I remember snippets here and there of what was said hehe. Kept getting flashbacks today fml
Andy kept bringing up my blog and my apparent self esteem issues and I was like STFU I WANNA HAVE FUN TODAY!!! I had no concept of time or space during last night like wtf happened when?? Memory kinda cuts out after Kobow.

Teleported to sanct where I wasn't allowed in twice fml. The security guard was like "I think you've had a bit too much to drink tonight" and I was like "I don't think so" and he just shook his head at me. Brenda and I switched jackets and I tired again but it didn't work. So we went in through the other entrance and it was all g. Remember nothing from sanct except brenda bought us all long islands but everyone was too drunk to actually drink them. What a waste of $$ :( Also met this random chick who sat with us?? Parents were pretty mad at me cus I called them like "PICK ME UP AT 2AM!!" and they straight up screamed "NO" back L M A O. luckily Tian was out as well so I went home with her and Andy. I'm so confused why did Andy even take the train with us?!?! He was so considerate and kept forcing me to drink powerade to prevent hangover. How did the rest of them get home?? I will never know. 
Woke up this morning feeling like complete shit and vowed never to drink again. After about 2 hours, when the hangover wore off, I was like nah KEEN TO GET LIT AT RETREAT!!!! Legitimately keen for retreat though now that I know there are a small group of people who don't want me dead. 
Lord Huron actually have so many nice songs. I love folk.
"To the ends of the Earth would you follow me?"

When I recommend people movies, my main concern is whether or not they'll fall asleep during them. BUT HOW COULD YOU FALL ASLEEP DURING SING STREET WTHHHHHHH


Mudbound (2017)

Dir. Dee Rees
So this was a filmรฉ... I loved this movie except it could've been shaved down by about 20 minutes without compromising the quality of the storytelling. It took a really really long time for things to actually start happening but when they did, I was shook. I cried at one point because it was so upsetting. Usually movies make me cry if someone on screen is crying but the content in this was way too confronting for me and I just wept. 

It focuses on two families, one white and one black, and how they struggle to co-exist with one another. 

Heard about this during Sundance in January and  there were such rave reviews for it. It's directed by Dee Rees who did Pariah which was amazingggggggggg. I have such mad respect for her because goddamn this movie is extremely beautiful. 


Acting was fucking great as well. Everyone was so gooooooooooooooooooooooooood. 

Braveheart (1995)

Dir. Mel Gibson

Enjoyed this. It was a little campy HAHAHA. Watched it in two sittings and first half was better than second. IDK it was fine but I kinda didn't care too much. 

Friday, 24 November 2017

what a lovely day // Melodrama

On Tuesday night I was playing tennis with Phuc, AMY lim, Khang and Daren and we were having a pree good time until Phuc heard a bang and looked over at his parked car. There were a group of 4 people crowded around his windscreen and there were pointing at something in his car. Phuc yells out “OI WHAT ARE YOU DOING” and then they stare at us and like slowly walk off??

We go out to check the car and there’s a 10cm crack on his windscreen O_O We deliberated whether to call the police or not cus we thought there wouldn’t be anything they could do. Nek minnit Phuc’s friend who was at Fairfield station and coincidentally asked Phuc for a lift before, messaged Phuc being like “yo there are a shady looking group of teenagers here” and he described them and then we were like yuppp its defs them.

Phuc told the popo to go to Fairfield station and he jumped into my car and drove us all there. It was basically a stakeout loool we were just sat in the car watching the delinquents across the road. Phuc and Khoa wanted to punch ons and kick ons but AMY Lim and I were like... uhhh... don’t want to die tonight like during exams maybe but now not so much xD

Police get there and start questioning them but they weren’t admitting anything so the police took our statements cus if at least one of us say we saw them then thats enough to get em locked up. Rip tho because they were under 18 so the police couldn’t drag their asses to jail straight away. Have to go through legal services and stuff cus they’re minors?? Idk. Anyway I felt like I was on some tv show last night some svu csi shit. Thought we were gna get shanked when the teenagers walked past us but the police were right behind so it was fine. The police were like “pretty sure the guy in the red hoodie did it cus he’s a little shit” then the delinquents were still loitering around so the officer said “GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!!”
We had a maccas party whilst we were waiting for them to finish questioning ๐Ÿ˜‚  Vivian joined us as well cus she was coming home from Strathfield and when everything was resolved I drove Viv and Amy Lim home. When a night of wholesome tennis ends with police and Maccas. oh well it was an experience
VSA is doing a Secret Santa
Remember when I had a meltdown last year over the Uweza Foundation and Kenyan children so I made Lulu donate to the charity as my kk gift?? 

Perfect Places

Yesterday was Lorde's Melodrama tour!! I wasn't going to go because no tickets but then Selina's sister's friend flaked so yippee spare ticket. I knew Amy really wanted to go as well and seeing as I had nothing great to give to her for her birthday present I bought her and Stephen tickets as well. They treat me like their child and spoil me for my birthday and Christmas and even Valentine's day so I wanted to repay them. 

We lined up 5 hours before the concert actually started because Selina's sister Olivia was so keen. We were 50th in line lmaoooo and it was so fucking hot the sun was relentless. 
When they finally let us into the concert, Stephen was still at Hungry Jacks buying us all food so he had to sprint there and then they made him chuck all of it in the bin. He was sad about it the whole night :(
Actual concert was alright. We were in the mosh pit in the 3rd row from the front and we were getting so squished by randoms all around us but especially by this one white neanderthal who kept apologising and pretending she didn't know she was shoving us. Such a bitch omfg Amy was like "I wanted to cut her bralette" and Selina was like "I was about to punch her and turn around to tell her 'you're a bad person' ". 
gucci gang
Lorde was so cute though like she was so into her dancing and singing and just making sure we were having a good time. 
She talked about how today was the 5th year anniversary of her first releasing music and she was getting all emotional and just
Her sets and backup were really minimalistic but still so pretty. I just really like her cus she's so free and herself up on stage I admire that. The most lit song was greenlight though because halfway through the song fireworks started popping behind the Sydney Opera House
 literally the best photo we had >:( and you can see the neanderthal's stupid bun blocking Amy's face HATE THAT BITCH UGH

At one point she got off the stage and ran back and forth in the area between the fence and the stage and the crowd legit moved like a wave. It was like when the 610 bus lines at central used to shift side to side. She was so so so so close tho. Being so close helped remind me that she was a real person. Anyway my love for Lorde after that concert has increased by a power of 3. Bought a nice t-shirt as well to remind me of this sweaty night. 
Went to Super Bowl in Chinatown and had a filling meal. We were all dead tired from pushing against people all night and Stephen had actual back pain. 
@ all the money I've spent/will spend during this summer
 Slept over at Amys house and lazed around for most of the day. We went out to eat to celebrate Amy's birthday at this super expensive Yakitori restaurant. They had these delicious wagyu beef skewers that were so crunchy but soft but they were $10 for one omfg. Thank god I didn't have to pay otherwise goodbye a month's pay. 
We were all still hungry afterwards so we had second dinner at the pizza place next door. Also we met Kevin's girlfriend Cindy who is possibly the shyest person alive. The second she arrived she couldn't look at us in the eye and she kept muttering to Kevin "I'm so scared I'm so scared".

Something monumental happened today. I FINALLY GOT AMY AND STEPHEN TO WATCH MAD MAX FURY ROAD DESPITE THE FACT THAT AMY KNEW A MASSIVE SPOILER!!! I was so overjoyed y'alls have no idea. I HAVE LOVED THAT MOVIE SINCE I FIRST LAID MY EYES UPON THE OVERSATURATED AUSTRALIAN DESERT. It's still a 5/5 from me honestly what they did with the action scenes will be burned into my history forever. 
this was me inside my head during the whole movie but I didn't want to be annoying
uhhhh its 4am I should sleep now gnite y'alls I have a feeling this summer will be v good

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

they'll never take our freedom


Stayed at home and had a WIESoc Skype meeting and was bored outta my mind because lets be real arc delegate doesn't do ANYTHING well at least if the society is structured like WIESoc where VP's take care of all the events. Watched First Daughter and The Big Wedding. Both were pretty bad but in a good way. First Daughter was one of the movies I watched as a kid and completely forgot about. It was sooooo over dramatic but still cute. 


Went temple for the first time in ages. Everytime I go I feel like such a sham. I'm not really buddhist so I end up just waving my incense sticks at the statues thinking about how stupid I look. My mum was like "talk to grandpa so he can increase your exam marks" and I was like "uhh I already did all my exams" and she was like "don't worry he can still go and change your answers for you". Saw Fi from sghs above grade when we went to aldi and had a catch up!!! She literally hasn't changed. Still super laid back and chill about everything.

Taught Lily some similar triangles and financial maths ew. 

Went drinking with Elizabeth after Niina flaked us grrrrrr. We bought some takeaway rice bowls from Mappen, two fat lambs and went to the alley to eat and drink like the classy people we are. We were like halfway through the fat lambs when Viv from VSA showed up with some of her SGHS friends and they were all starting to get lit and someone was like "who is that" @ me, and Viv was like "STATE RANK ENGINEERING YEAH THE SYDNEY GIRLS!!!!" and started singing our school song HAHAHAHA. So cringe but was too lit to care. 
Liz and I were sooooo late to Riya's birthday because on the way there we stopped to sit on some random stairs and had a chill dnm about gay marriage, family and probably other things that I don't remember. I was feeling a little depresso espresso that night as well. Rocked up to Riya's party at Canvas Bar and Lizzie chundered in the bathroom ytb. Went back to the party where some white people were making speeches and took some selfies with the disposable cameras lying around (isn't that such a good idea for a party to buy lotsa disposable cameras so people can jsut take their own photos??). Were pretty bored so we left and met up with Andy outside QVB. Went to eat some KFC and then went to Town Hall station where I drunk called Amy and had a good ol' sob fest l m a o. HAHAHA I JUST REMEMBERED WHEN I USED TO GET DRUNK I ALWAYS CALLED AMY and could feel the judgement through da phone.

Took the train home with 3/4 of Khalid Masters then got walked home by my sis. 
She was watching To Kill A Mockingbird at home and I finished watching it with her even though I was quite tipsy. I don't remember it being such a sad story :( tbt to Year 9 English when we had to make a website on it and I complained about staying up to 3 to finish it when I do dat shit all the time now. 

got my Hep A booster so I should be good for a another ten years. Note to self in 10 years time (17th November 2017) you needa get another shot. Also need another typhoid shot on 2nd September 2019.


Woke up in the morning to chunder loool. Took the train to Bankstown then had to drive Amy's expensive af Mini Cooper home because she didn't bring her license. Was so scared for the first 5 mins and was trying to get used to the indicator being on the left side. I accidentally flicked the windscreen wipers on so many times and Amy was just trying not to laugh at me so I wouldn't freak out even more. 

Chilled at Andy's house whilst she was tutoring him and I watched half of Jenna's 45 min long fish explanation video and was dying at how much compassion she has. 

Drove back to Amy's house and she forced me to watch so many Little Mix videos. We had a 3 hour DEEP SLEEP!!! Woke up and wanted food but Stephen was tutoring late so we STARVED until 10 pm. He picked us up to go pancakes on the rocks and we had ribs and steak. Used my parents $50 voucher but we still had to pay $18 O_O 

top photography from me
Went back to Amy's house, started watching Definitely Maybe but then her net died so we watched The Neon Demon. HAHAHAAHAH the necrophilia was a bit too much for Amy. Slepttttttttt.


Had wholesome breakfast and watched some Gilmore Girls. Showed Amy some Rose and Rosie and she got so digusted cus they are Fifth Harmony stans. Went to Hursy to get her eyebrows threaded then I went homeeeeeee
Met Lizzie at carramar station cus she was returning my sister's boots HAHAHA so random to see this golden girl in caramel village. we just chatted for like 10 mins before we had to leave cus I had work. I dropped her off at Fairfield where she took another like 1.5 hr trip home r i p. Homework help which was super chill today. 

Then went to have drinks with Carramar Kids + Roxie, Manly and Maria. Just drank a couple of beers/ciders and caught up. Maria is about to pop and Roxie is still a hippie. She got a new job working on an SBS documentary. Manly studying a course in ultrasound now how c000oo00ool!! Yuan is still experimenting at home with random things and he just borrowed my breadboard O_O Nancy still sucks.
Went home, watched half of Braveheart. 

Friday, 17 November 2017



Slept 3 hours the night before my MTRN2500 exam. Was really ceebs because I was so screwed that there was no point in me studying anymore. Only needed 7/50 to pass. Trained to Central, bought the yumm0 cheese, beef and bacon pie (I'm a regular there now lmao the two cafe ladies say good morning. Don't judge my pie tastes ok). Actual exam was so aids - I basically skipped 15 marks because I didn't know what to do and the other 35 marks were a lil shaky. BUT it could've been a lot worse. Saw so many 3rd year optom students like Lisa, Brendon, Sheila and Angel all STRESSING  because they were next to us and their exam was super long, meanwhile all MTRN students were just sitting and staring at the questions to try and find the memory leak in the code. I was just thinking... UH THIS LOOKS RIGHT TO ME???

Left my exam early and went outside, jumped on my phone and found out the Yes vote won!!! Was happy but also not really because everyone kind of knew that ~60% were already in favour so it wasn't much of a surprise. What WAS a surprise was how homophobic Western Sydney is lmao the electorates around me all voted No with Blaxland having the highest No percentage O_O what a world we live in. Never seen so many rainbows on my feed
Q: What were you doing when same-sex marriage sorta got legalised?
A: Struggling to overload the >> constructer so that when os >> Aircraftdata is called, the data is read into an output file.


Had lunch with Mei, Stephen and Rachel Feng (yes random I know but she was free). Went to Law Lib to finish typing notes then went to Civil Design Studio to study BIOM with Niina. I was so behind compared to her like I left all my memorising for one day which was a bad idea. 

Walked back to her house, got a coffee along the way and there were a record number of "wanting to die" jokes made. I LOVE HER HOUSE ITS SO SPACIOUS AND CLEAN AND EVERYTHING IS SO COORDINATED legit house goals + ONLY A 20 MIN WALK FROM UNI i was living

Met her doggo, "Linny" which Niina informed me was a combination of "little" and "niina".... I mean if you really can't come up with anything better 
Her doggo is cute though and kept trying to hump my leg whilst I was studying and so I had to lift my feet off the ground to avoid being violated. We were sososososo productive. The most productive I've been the whole sem because when you have 1 day to study the entire course for a 70% exam, you kinda gotta hustle. We had chicken, chips and salad for dinner and finished watching Hitch. WAS CUUUUUTE.  
so nice to have a study buddy who never procrastinates :) we took one break besides the dinner break and that was for like 10 mins. Slept at 3 but couldn't really fall asleep for a while. Also niina is like a ghost when she sleeps... she don't make any sounds?? not sure if still alive??? 


We woke up at 6:30, crammed a little whilst eating some crackers with some whackass olive dip / sour cream and then bussed to racecourse. Actual exam was not that bad. I defs lost marks for some of the long answer ones but I made it up by (probably???) doing the long calc question right. Its the only exam this block that I felt ok after. 

Went home and departed sad Niina cus she still had another exam to go.  She's going to motivate me to go to 9am PHSL lectures next year cus if either of us miss one, we have to buy the other person a coffee. 

took a 4 hour nap when I got home then got picked up by an angery selz and a scared joanne because apparently jo was bad at navigating. so i had to sit in the front and navigate but according to Selz I was shit cus I wasn't giving her enough warning. Cracked up and just accused her of being a shitty driver. But then we unanimously agreed that Phuc was the worst driver in the committee. 

Picked up Amy Lim and then went to Big W where we walked around, pointed at things and laughed. Went to Woolies and bought snacks then the disappointments began. We went to 7/11 to get the lychee slurpeee but then they didn't have it so we went to Caltex to get the frozen Oak but they didn't have it either so we had to settle with Maccas :'( WHAT HAPPENED TO NEVER SETTLING?!?! Selz and Amy both got happy meals so we made the two Yoshi toys have happy time. Roasted Joanne so hard for saying "omg I wanna watch the movie with the sad train". wdym THOMAS THE TANK ENGINE? THE POLAR EXPRESS? HUNGER GAMES? nononon SHE MEANS HARRY POTTER.

Went back to Amy's house where we spent like 4 hours just chilling. We judged so hard when Jo accidentally sat on Amy's Winnie the Pooh plushie and Amy was so upsetttt she started hugging and comforting it. My stomach hurt so much from laughing when I saw the THICC seal. Played Drunk Stoned or Stupid and it was mostly just bashing everyone in our committee. Stalked peoples facebooks, gossiped about VSA and played some exploding kittens.

tbh feeling so lucky Khalid group are actually a group now because we can have these spontaneous chill times at night. I still don't know why any of them wanna be friends with me.

tfw you got into VSA for "developmental reasons" ie. validation that my social skills are just a bit lacking HAHAHAH. I'm like lowkey salty but yenno what I'll take it because otherwise I wouldn't have met these whackos. 

fucking blind bitch Selina "accidentally" dropped me off at the wrong townhouse and I would tell her to get new glasses but if they were any thicker they would drop off her face. 
Don't want to go to sleep because I don't wanna be alone with my thoughts tonight. Was super happy now I'm overthinking the developmental reasons thing what's new aye

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

how do you solve a problem like SERENAAAAAA

Uh I've just been hit with the realisation that I am older than Liesl Von Trapp from Sound of The Music. Damn used to religiously rewatch that movie when I was younger now IM SO FUCKING AGED. The hills were alive!! They were alive goddamnit!!!!

Have woken up really late for the past 3 days because I really can't be stuffed studying for mechatronics. I am so screwed at this point and I only need 7/50 to pass so I should be OK??? nek minnit can't even get 7. I've never been this unprepared for an exam like this is way worse than ELEC cus I'm not even studying. Is there a reset button for this whole semester

Having more than 5 streaks at a time makes me nervous. Once i get 6 its like I'll definitely fuck it up cus I can't manage so many things.

Missed Manly & Maria's baby shower on Sunday because I wanted to study but didn't even end up studying that hard :(

Its the time of the night when you want to invite people over to your house just so they can stab you. 


The Neon Demon

Dir. Nicholas Winding Refn
Watched this on Sunday night with my sister and its hands down the weirdest thing I have ever seen. 

SPOILERS AHEAD (but I really doubt any of y'all are going to watch this)

It's about this young girl who moves to Los Angeles to begin her modelling career and she slowly becomes consumed by the narcissism deep within her and also ... some older jealous supermodels. They literally EAT her and bathe in her blood so they can absorb her beauty.
The first third of the movie was actually so boring but the last third... fuck me. I have never been so DISGUSTED IN MY LIFE I was like to my sis "I AM SO UNCOMFORTABLE RIGHT NOW". there's a scene where this chick is feeling lonely n dat so she has sex with a corpse WE WERE SHOOK. Oh and one of the evil models being overwhelmed with guilt throws up elle fanning's eyeball but then the other supermodel eats the regurgitated eyeball. 

I mean... I give this movie points for creativity l m a o.

I had a weird dream last night and I'm pretty sure it was because of this movie. dug the music though it was super super intense.
Still confused. Idk whether I liked it or not cus I feel like I was just trying to make sense of what I was seeing most of the time. In summary:

someone write an essay on this and lemme read it cus I have absolutely no HOT TAKES.