Monday 9 September 2019


absolute BANGER


Woke up late, went to livo to pick up a couple things then went to my final interview at Deloitte. It went ok I guess IDKKKK. Ran in Tamar at the office because she had her interview right before mine lmfao. 

Went to kbbq with Selina, Jo, Alan, Khang and Justin to celebrate Selz getting her dream job. Hahahah I felt a lil awkward cus I don't know Justin that well but ya yeet it was fine. All you can eat at stratty is so good. Wagyu was the best uuhhghghghhg. 

Then hung out with boo


Had work again. Worked on the same damn thing for 8 hours but it wasn't too bad because I was listening to true crime podcasts. Listened to one about the Moors Murders which I'm STILL LSITENING TO because its 3 eps, 6 hours in total. ITS REALLY GOOOOD look it up if you haven't already listened to it. People are so fucked up.

Then went to gym with Diana I think. We ran for a bit then did squats and deadlifts and I'M SO FKN WEAK. She was so nice trying to teach me how to do it properly hahaha but the issue was my joints just do not bend in those ways. I need to exercise more. Also did farmers walk and wanted to actually kill myself like I could feel individual muscle fibres TEARING


Decided not to go Origin interview because it was too far and ceebs working in the energy industry. ANYWHO, hung out with Amy instead for most of the day.

Met up with her, her mum and Stephen at Rustic Pearl in Surry Hills. We had some yummo af brunch food - the gozleme was yum, scrambled eggs were good and the eggs benedict was ok I guess. Then we parted ways and I chauffeured Amy and her mum back home.
Amy and I made more cheesecake using Angela's bomb ass recipe. Then we watched the first ep of Handmaid's Tale and unluggy for Amy and her addictive personality, she ended up binging it for 2 days straight after that xD

Got a call from Andrew and Tessie Sun that Andrew's car broke down on their way from Canberra to Sydney SO THEY WEREN'T GOING TO MAKE IT IN FOR JULIA MICHAEL'S CONCERT THAT NIGHT OMFG. Quickly messaged Diana to ask if she wanted to come and yeeeee she did!! Cute concert date xD

Julia Michaels was actually so amazing live. Her vocals were so on point and she had such a positive energy. IDK but I loved itttttt. Didn't know some of her songs from her first album but every time something  came on from inner monologue part 2 I was fkn killing it. There were lots of mums there without their kids O_O


Work again, made a new friend Hannah. She the only other girl working there lmfao LOVE ENGINEERING!!!!!!!! anywho, we assembled these cables for the entire day and I really wanted to KMS. Hurt my hands so much.

this was one of the easier things i worked on during the day tho
After work, was supposed to finally introduce Niina to Diana but no circumstances changed so instead decided to have chill night with Diana. We bought KFC hehehhee.

also i did pree good this sem xD - just flexing


Tutored Bianca early in the morning, went to the gym and got ready for Rebbie's surprise birthday party. Don't actually know Rebbie or her boyfriend who organised the surprise but Diana plus one'd me and I knew quite a few people going to the party.

Went over to Diana's beforehand to chill and then I drove us both to the party. The plan was that I wouldn't drink and be the designated driver but literally 30 mins into the party, this guy I just met Patrick offered to drive us both home SO YA YEET alcoholic me took many many many shots. I went one for one with Yvonne, Diana's best friend and we mustve drank like 20 shots of soju and a bunch of other random hard liquors. 
Also met one of Diana's best friends, Solina who is also an angel. Diana told her about us and she was so excited and supportive. Party was pyjama themed???
The party itself was pretty fun, I saw Jeanna, Sarina and Jennifer again!! Jennifer is the girl who made my birthday cake heheh she's legit an angel. David gave me a light show. James, Diana's closest cousin, interrogated me every chance he got and just gave us shit the whole night

oi who's the man in the relationship??

Anywho, Diana didn't end up drinking too much and drove us back to James' house to crash. 


Woke up way too early and had to go tutor another kid in Cabramatta. After that, went to moon festival with Diana and Yvonne. We bought a shitton of beef jerky, sugar cane and wasted money on a raffle game since we wanted to win a cute sloth. Some of  Yvonne's friends from volleyball joined us but we legit wandered around aimlessly for a quite a while before I had to get home to post a hype post.

Diana came over as well and now I'm here blogging. Tired as fuck, have to  wake up at 6:45 for work again  ugh. I finally told her the biggest secret I'd been holding back from her HAHAHHA. Before our first date, I actually saw her on the train but was too chicken shit to say hi. I rmbr snapping Amy and Niina and like Niina screenshotted the snap and sent it back to me so I FOUND THE SNAP. look how far we've come hehehhehehe

anyway, I'm whipped as fuck butI don't want to turn into one of those people that have nothing to talk about besides their s/o. 

I started using the disposable camera that Jo got me from Japan!!! going to try take a photo a day heheheh so i'll have 27 photos by the end of the month. 

anywho, goodnight I have 5 days of work next week fuck


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