Monday 2 September 2019

it's official xDD

oh my god I HAVEN'T HAD TIME TO BLOG, sorry to future me for taking such little care of these memories :(

Last Monday 


Woke up bright and early to do my one and only final exam of T2!!
I think I did alright HAHAH like I left the exam 30 minutes in because it was multiple choice and I didn't really want to spend my time second guessing all my answers. ANYWHOOOO met up with Bree Bree and Yee Yee to say bye to Bree before she returned her flaming red head back to woop woop land. Had bingsu at Old School Kafey and got thai milk tea and green tea flavour this time. Thai milk tea will always remain my favourite but that being said, green tea was not bhed either.
me trapped between two booby mounds
 Then because we are fat SHITS we went to eat dumps at Taste of Shanghai and they were banging.
 killed some time at priceline, miniso, uniqlo and sephora doing niina's shopping hahaha. Then we parted ways and I went to visit D at Muji!! Eileen my high school friend was working too omfg. When I got there, D had gone to take a shit so Eileen and I were planning to surprise her in the change rooms but we were too busy catching up that she just walked in and saw us :(

Was fun mucking around with them two while they were closing up hehehehe. Had to wait for a bit outside until she got off work. Then chaperoned her butt back to her car in Cabra :(



Had my interview with ARUP in the morning. It actually was the first interview I've ever done that I've been happy with HOWEVER they weren't happy with how I answered their motivation question because I said I wanted to work with robots even though ARUP is a buildings company uhhh me a dumb shit. But anywho, I really like their office and work environment seems hella chill SO CROSSING MY FINGERS but also not expecting anything...

Met up with Amy afterwards for lunch and to get Stephen a birthday present. Omfg I took her to meet D at Muji and it was the most awkward thing EVER HAHAHHAH they both did not know what to say to each other and I was just like fml want to KMS. Anywho, Ichi Ban Boshi was yum and cheap as always hehehehe.
We got Stephen a Fitbit, Amy left to go to tutoring then I killed time before catching D during her break again. Times lined up perfectly for me to then head to uni for WIESoc x EngSoc strategy meeting for 2020. Shits fucked. Shits so fucked that Viv B bought 3 bottles of wine for us to drink during the meeting. Lowkey got a little bit tipsy but was also in a bad mood because I didn't want to be there, I wanted to be working on my apps and final robotics assignment BUT WHAT CAN YOU DO. 

Taimdaddy dropped me and a few others off at Central. Took the train home with vlydam and worked on my preso on the way. Somehow D ended up at my home that night and she distracted me from studying for my other job interview on the next day.



Woke up to a cute good morning text from the company I was supposed to be interviewing at being like, "hi I have a doctors appointment I forgot about SO PLS CAN WE RESCHEDULE". THIS WAS LITERALLY 2 HOURS BEFORE MY ORIGINAL INTERVIEW TIME.

So instead, headed to uni to work on the robotics presentation with Cosette and Anindya. Legit been carried by this group so hard this sem HAHAHAH I had to do none of the programming so put some extra effort into the presentation. 

I literally don't remember what I did on Wednesday ugh. I NEED TO GET BACK TO DAILY BLOGGING >:(



Presented my last thing for T2. Cosette, Anindya, Jake and I all ended up memorising our parts and like hella proud of everyone because we SMASHED ITTTTTTTTTT YA YEET. 

Look at these intelligent robot programmers xx. They absolutely killed it omfg our lecturer said that ours was the standard that everyone else's would be compared to. The robot could do 95% of what was outlined in the spec like SO FUCKING SHOOK
 bunch of cuties
also I got really good parking that day.
we had celebration drinks at roundy after our presentation but since I was driving I just got a burger then quickly yeeted off to my job interview. 

Drove 1 HOUR to get to Castle Hill, walked into the big boss' office just for him to tell me I already got the job since Jess recommended me..... he just explained some logistical things to me and told me to introduce myself to a room of 6 other people because he double booked my interview with one of his meetings. I was so awkward HAHAHAHA and also extremely over dressed.

so YEAH I have a new job folks, working 3 days a week from 8-4 pm assembling and testing various components for Sydney Trains lermao. Went home and took and big phat nap before D messaged me to come over for celebration drinks hehehe because I was employed. BUT NO we didn't end up drinking but I did end up sleeping over again to the dismay of my poor mother.

"I went to the gym and now I'm tired so just going to sleep at my friend's house"

I can't keep doing this -.-

Friday (Stephen's Surprise Birthday)


Ooooof the big day was finally here. Weeks of planning by the one and only best girlfriend in the world Amy Pham had culminated to THIS. 

I drove D to my house, picked up maccas breakfast on the way then D drove my car to Cabramatta to meet Yiyi at the Cabramatta Bottler. The fucking employee was on lunch break but came back legit half an hour later than she said she was going to so Yiyi and I were just standing outside bottler for ages. Went to Breadtop while waiting to get a cake for Alcuin as well. 

ANYWHO, purchased the 20 bottles of soju then headed to Croydon to pick up Stephen's Birthday cake from @rkd.cakeboy. It was raining sososo much but he was so kind to deliver it to the car, stepping in a massive puddle on the way.
 Then arrived at the airbnb and waited for 1.5 hours for the DUMB FUCK hostess to show up and she never did -.-

D, Yiyi and I somehow managed to pass the time without too much trouble. Actually idk about Yiyi she was angery cus she hadn't eaten in ages HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
 Amy made the decision to relocate to Stephen's sister's house which honestly was a better venue ANYWAY!! So we picked up Eugene on the way there, she met D and they really hit it off during the party like wow HAHAHAHA. anywhooooo we helped Amy and Mei set up, put up streamers and pom poms, made the jello shots which everyone said were too strong oooops (they were 50% vodka xD)

then legit 15 minutes after I started drinking my memory disappears. IDK WHAT HAPPENED apparently I was missing for half the party but I swear I wasn't gone for that long and I felt really bad becuase didn't remmeber stephen's speech or even him opening presents or anything. But I guess that's what Vivian's snapchat is for aye. hehehe here's Stephen examining the 3D printed butt plug that James modelled for him uwu.
I only remember being very PDA which sober me is like, THAT'S INAPPROPRIATE stop making people feel uncomfortable but.... drunk Serena is a different story

the pics that didn't make it to my insta heheh



woke up and helped Amy and Stephen a lil with the cleaning but they already did most of it before we woke up. D and I tried so hard to return Stephen's sister's master bedroom to its original state but she had legit 10 DIFFERENT SIZED PILLOWS ON THE BED THAT WE DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO ORGANISE. Drove Dan to the station. It was an extremely lazy morning holy sheeeeet.

Double date with double D's. meeting the fam hehehehhehe. Taste of Shanghai again yummmmm. 
Went by Yiyi's house to drop off that thot's wallet and hair straightener. Yiyi brought out Didi for us to pat and he's such a fucking DERP

went home, showered and relaxed a little bit before going out again with D for dinz and dessert. Tried the truffle burger from Holy Heffa Burger Truck and their signature loaded fries. Was so goooooood but like all burgers, gets sickening after a few bites. Would recommend sharing a burger between two.
Then had the creme brulee souffle pancake from air lab which TBH was not as good as the matcha one that my mum bought me a while ago. Also got milk tea from The Alley which is perfectly adequate. Coco is better :/ 

Went back to hers where we had the chillest night. Played guitar and she taught me how to glove hehehe. 



woke up very late for Father's day. Took the train up to the city with my fam for lunch at The Dolar Shop (yes, that is one L). Hands down best hotpot I've ever had UNHHHHHHHHH. Got the tomato and ox tail bone broth would recommend 10/10. The wagyu beef was so delicious, beef balls with cheese were amazing. Free ice cream for dessert too heheh
Shopped around market city for a lil bit before going home.

Selina dropped by for an hour while she was waiting for her bro to finish guitar. Sat her ass on my couch and did some apps. SHE FINALLY RETURNED MY YELLOW HONEY HOODIE HOLY FK she's had that for legit half a year and has even been wearing it around.

Then D finally picked me up after ignoring my messages for like four hours, I was a bit iffy with her for being late and also ignoring me AHAHAHAHHA nek minnit its cus she was preparing this for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee uwu 

Idk if too tmi / if I should keep this private but this is so cute and I've never had anyone make me feel this uwu in my life sighs. She took me to a nice lookout and we walked around looking at the massive houses in that area then she asked me and then opened the boot TO REVEAL THE DONUTS AND FLOWERS and ASDLKFASLDKFJAS;LFKANDVJASKLFDJGSLFJ K so cute I was shocked.
went back to my mine and had to explain to my mum that the donuts were for my cousins. hid the flowers in the boot until they went to bed then I went to get them and plopped them on my table. My mum hasn't said anything about them today tho.... 




First day at new workplace!! Was stressing out because GPS said I was gonna get there at 8:03 when I was supposed to get there at 8. I ended up being legit the first person to get there HAHAHHAA. 

Its extremely chill, I basically assemble circuit boards and like random components together. Its very repetitive so we can listen to music/podcasts as we're working. Also the supervisor is so chill and we can basically just work independently the entire day. But yeah whoever I sat next to today I tried to talk to at least a lil bit so they knew who I was. I talked to Toshi (Anna's ex boyfriend oop), Van and Will the most. Toshi and Van are full druggos holy shit they just talked about raves the whole time and how many cones they ripped / how many bags they snorted / how many caps they popped it was quite exhausting. Will was super passionate about travelling and startups??? In passing I said I might want to work in America and he spent 20 minutes talking about his exchange trip there and which cities were best for robotics. 

Picked up Niina from work because she finishes 20 mins later than me and thats how long it takes me to get to her workplace from my workplace?? legit how perf. Bought maccas and she came back to mine to do online testing. 
Then she left, I went to the gym and ran 5 km hehehe. was pumping hardstyle the whole time and watching Australian survivor on the gym TVs. I'm so proud of maself

anywho, I'm tired now and I have another interview to study for tomorrow so ima sleeeep. 


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