Tuesday 17 September 2019



Went to work all day, cut and crimped 400 wires.
Went over to Stephens house because his brother in law was hosting a case competition / networking workshop for us. Got roasted for my awkwardness, nervousness, quietness, poor body language and inability to hold up a conversation - so basically everything OOP

went home in a bad mood, surprised Diana with maccas and chilled at her house for a bit.


Went to work all day, cut and crimped 100 wires. Started doing these different black and red connectors that were super easy.

Then went home, ate my mum's dinner and ate dessert at V Lounge for the first time in a luong time. Deep fried gaytime is actually UH MAY ZING. we got nachos too but they were too spicyyyy


Went to work all day, realised that the black and red connectors I started yesterday were not as easy as I initially thought, almost broke my wrist crimping on the last component, now its actually fucked. I need to get a wrist brace. Made another 5 speaker cables zzz. cut some heat shrink
Then drank with Cambodians to celebrate Viv's birthday HEHEHEH. It was sososooossoso fun. We went to kbbq, drank a little bit, then went to soju alley and drank a lot more then stumbled our way to K1 where we sang for 2 hours. Ordered a few shots too, Diana came by and we trained home together then woke up the next morning truly realising how much money I wasted the night before. GOING OUT IS SO EXPENSIVE wtf
talking about expensive, I bought rave tickets to literally every single rave that HSU has put out oop. going to melbourne for knockout at this stage unless I have exams, going to road to summer gathering and already went to gammer O_O plus going tweekacore see u all there heheh

should i just fuck it and dye my hair ash gray


Skipped work to do a phone interview for Stryker. It went well, got put through to the next round which is another phone interview!! Then Diana came over and we had a nice day together. Went the "Mamatang" which is a new malatang place in Cabra, legitimately so good. Got the beef broth but want to try the spicy one next time. 
Then went to Million Life which has all these claw machines, we spent $24 and won 5 toys omg!! so worth. The technique is to watch other people play a machine until they give up then swoop in and play it like a couple more times until the claw actually grips with full force. Also ask the staff to shuffle the toys around and they'll put the toy that you actually want on the top xD
Then went bouldering at Villawood and got so tired. We're training up for the quintuple date next Sunday heheh with Phuc, Liz, Brenda, Niina AND EVERYONE'S SIGNIFICANT OTHER??? legit so excited for it though 
fuarrrrrrrrr look at her go 

Then went caving which was sososoos funny HAHAHA we kept getting stuck

Then we had maccas for dinner and explored bunnings for a bit.
Showed off my knowledge of the whopping like 3 power tools I used when constructing the grafifty wall, then she dropped me off


Went to work again!!!!!!! Hannah was there so I had a fuckin companion breaking our wrists together. We made more cables ya yeet. 

After work, I did my second round phone interview for Stryker then drove to Cabramatta to drop Diana to her car and buy soju from Cabramatta Bottler.

Drove to Bree's place in Rozelle, walked to a park and drank it with her. Talked about depressing shit yet again not that I remember 95% of it HAHAHHAHAHAH then stumbled back to her house and slept.


Woke up the next morning feeling like absolute shit! We went to Woolies to buy frozen sausage rolls and "zucchini and feta balls" for the WIESoc picnic, then chucked them in the oven back at hers. 

Zoom zoomed to the picnic spot at Blue Point Reserve which I did not know existed until that day. Has a hella good view of the bridge like wow O_O. Was a super chill picnic with some WIESoc girls. We took some photos and enjoyed the food and each other's company.... I guess.
Had to zoom off the Croydon to tutor a kid and almost fell asleep during his lesson. Then I went back to the area to eat dinner @ Bach Dang with family for my sister's birthday!! Idk what to get her omafdklgj;laskjdf;laskdlksndf;lksjdlkjaslkdjglaksjdglkasjdgl;kajsdf;lkajsdflkjasd;lfj when she gets you an airbnb for your birthday and you get her.... nothing O_O HELP
this be my cat chilling watching Yes Man with me.
Then picked up Diana from her airbnb party in Zetland.


Had big breakfast at Cafe Cherry Beans. I'm so glad that I like eating mushrooms now because fuck they're so BIG AND JUICY I LOVE
Went to Anoushka's birthday party for a couple of hours. Just as I pulled up, I saw Tanvi and I thought she just arrived (hella late too) but nah she was leaving so I took her spot hehe. Party was quite uneventful, very wholesomE. They had El Jannah's and pizza!!! Ate so much garlic dip. Caught up with Niina because hadn't seen her all holidays - hoes be busy. Then Niina, Yiyi and I went to Parramatta shops to pick up some shit that we needed. I got some track pants and also wanted to look at Vans since I have money to buy myself some new shoes now. OH YEAH THAT REMINDS ME I GOT PAID FROM WORK HEHEHHEEHEHHE i feel so powerful.

Went back to Diana's to make pasta for dinner. She's so whack like she mixes the pasta into the sauce which means the pasta:sauce ratio is fucked since the size of the pan is a limiting factor. Also her uncle was so creepy, kept asking if I had a boyfriend and saying he liked my "physical"??????
Finished watching Yes Man and Just Go With It then went home :) 


Work work work - I literally put 32 * 6 * 2  = 432 FUCKING CRIMPS ON THE WIRES and then turns out we did them wrong so had to snip off all the crimps and re-cut the wires. 
WHAT A FUCKING HEADACHE. Also listened to 8 hours of podcasts about the East Area Rapist / Golden State Killer for the entire day and was so unsatisfied when it ended with it being unsolved FUCK but then did a quick google and they found the killer after the podcast was released!! so I finished listening to another podcast that talked about it and then couldn't sleep the whole night holy fuck

did some WIESoc and tutoring work!! 


Ya yeet, picked up Niina bright and early for our 8am exec meeting. It was fine, it was chill. Also gave her the ugly pink panther toy that Diana and I didn't want from our claw machine haul HAHAHA. Niina loves it.
Then went to Royal Randwick to pick up some things for Diana's graduation which is later today hehehheheheheheeeeeeeeeeeeee. Have my first class for uni in about an hour, hopefully I don't hate it. The course coordinator is Lauren Kark though who is super nice and puts quite a bit of effort into her courses :) 


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