Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Cambodiyeet: Constipation

y'alls I haven't pooed since I was in Sydney... its been like 3 days wtf....

Woke up this morning bright n early, Viv T gave me some lemsip shit that made my runny nose go away!! We called a tuk tuk to bring us to uni but he didn't know where our uni was so we had to tell him to go to the nearby market instead but he literally had the map right in front of him on the phone??? idk m8

ANYWAY was a super chill morning and the breeze was blowing and ahhhh just so peaceful
I feel really settled rn i think cus my sickness is going away and we're getting used to the heat and learning how to use the money properly now!!

Got to uni, had some random fried noodles for breakfast (was only $1 yeet) but had to scoff it down cus we were kinda late.
Had more Khmer lessons and learnt numbers and how to say random poultry items? IDK but I love our teacher so so so much he's so funny and passionate. I also had a big ass black coffee and was high on the bean juice :)
 yiyi so proud of herself for saying something right omfg
Then we had lunch break and I got this pho like thing? iunno it was fine and also only $1 lmao.
 Then had theoretical and lab classes. Lecture was a tad boring - we're taught by this super nasally old American dude and he can be a bit annoying sometimes but yallah we'll deal with it.

Then made an extension cord!! By made I mean connect the cord to the plug and the socket bits on both ends. sounds easy but ffs it was so fiddly trying to get all the wires the right lengths and to fit into the nooks and crannies. BUT WE ALSO GOT TO SOLDER A LIL which was fun.
 das my shoe! 
After class, we wandered around a nearby mall called Sorya I think and it was super western but we had a quick gander into a supermarket and some of the hungry ones at at pepper lunch. was saving my stomach for homestay food tho so I didn't eat. 

Then tuktuk'd back to homestay, washed up, had a yum dinner!! water spinach and like some asian soup thing idk but we bonded a lil more with the brother in the family cus he liked Marvel movies :) 

Now sleep timeeeeeee. life is so simple here. Appaz the unemployment rate is super low because Cambodians are not lazy at all .


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