Monday 21 October 2019

bye wiesoc

Highlights from the last two weeks!! 

Time management has been quite poor

Cambodian's Night Out

Went out with Cambodians + Amy last last Friday and it was fun while it lasted. I love drinking with them because they can all handle their alcohol and also drink SO FAST. We ate at Chinatown Noodle House and bought soju from there instead of getting BYO because from our calculations, it ends up being around the same. Ended up being $34 for dinz and drinks which is not bhed!! 

After that, we were all very drunk and stumbled to K1 where they dropped me off. They kicked on at Sanct and an arcade while I made a goddamn fool of myself at Sarina's party. I met Sarina a few weeks ago the first time I went to Masif. She's super nice and friendly heheh but my only interactions with her have been when I've been SLOSHEDDDD so I don't actually know what she's like. 
throws up peace sign at every opportunity... das me!

Job Interviews

Had two interviews in the past week, both on the last two Tuesdays and for different departments in Stryker. I thought the first one went bad and the one I just did today went good by WHO KNOWSSS. I think I answered the questions well and vibed with them. They were very very chill and like talked about movies and Netflix so me confused. Stumbled over my words like twice but I recovered well I HOPE. Maybe I'm just looking back on this interview with rose tinted glasses because I want Stryker SO BAD.

ok update, I THINK I GOT IT!! I say I think because I haven't actually gotten the offer yet. They want me to go on a one day trial around a hospital to see what they actually do and figure out if I actually like it or not?? but YEEEEET THE BOIS

update - since writing this I actually got it OMFG. HAHAHHA I start tomorrow at Norwest Private oooooft

Work @ r2p

Viv Tran started working at r2p and we been bonding because we always work together (ew). hahahha JOKES she's chill and surprisingly whack but cannot give out too many compliments because Yiyi reads this blog. We've been making cables for the TGU and also actually assembling the TGUs. Fun so farrrrrr hehe. Worked on the 10th, the 11th, 14th, 17th and 18th of Oct since last logging my pay.

Yushi's Drunk Call

Yushi drunk called me on Monday and said I was a pocket rocket because I was small but so energetic which is odd because I am not energetic but i will take the compliment
she also said i was the best vp ever and when she hung up she said i love you Serena and i said i love you too yushi and it was disgusting but i was under pressure... my cold dead heart thawed momentarily

WIESoc Escape Room

Went to an escape room with the WIESoc GORLS for PR / Events bonding. It was too easy grrrrrrr but still very fun. Yushi, Navya, Jemima and Lavanya were in my room. Jem and I had to run on this treadmill thing for so long and so hard that we were legit puffing. It didnt lead to the next clue so the staff had to give us a clue to run at the same speed.
Then went to Yomie's to see Diana. She was with her workmate Rita hahah and Rita keeps joking like, "oi diana is your girlfriend here to pick you up from work again". it makes me laugh when people are cluelesssssss but also i just want Diana to tell everyone already >:(

Flora and Fauna

Yay Diana and I went to Fairfield Showgrounds to buy more goldfish to fill the tank we won from petbarn. Also went to buy some succulents for my PR team since I was leaving :( We saw this cute as fuckkkkkkk RABBIT WHEN WE WERE THERE OMG looks like something out of a Disney movie.
Flora and fauna!! they looked so nice and fresh so I had to buy them hehe.
Eventually went back to Diana's to set up the tank. We named the first two Anka and Unka (because her dogs are named Inka and Eka). We went back to the fish shop not before long to get another two black fishies because we thought Anka and Unka would be lonely. Yiyi said we should call them harambe because they were going to die soon. 
 Almost a week later, they are still alive so JOKES ON U YIYI. meow meow is also going well!

Finishing up WIESoc tings


I cried like a little bitch at WIESoc's AGM omfg. Before my president Viv B said her speech, I was legitimately having such a good time. Like being able to actually enjoy other people's speeches without the anxiety of having to go up soon was SO GOOD. This time last year I was so nervous, my heart was pounding, I was up against two other people who were actually experienced with PR things xD. After I did my speech, so much adrenaline and nervousness left my body that I felt like vomiting holy shit. 

ANYWAY I really liked everyone's speeches. Bree's was so genuine heck me, Vivian T was such a power woman, Yiyi was a comedian (as always - but she just paused and everyone laughed), Hasara was a mum, Emily Lee was actually really confident and proved to us that she could do Arc Del with so much ease, Jemima had a lot of nervous energy but she got the message across .... and Angela muthafucking Tandon - 10/10 can command a room and is just so hecking GREAT

Then came the time when the old team had to get up so Viv B could say nice things about us all and like idk I was fine until she got to me and then I just burst into tears and for the rest of her speech I was just concentrating on not crying anymore and looking like a weak bitch grrrrrrrrr. I can't even remember what she said but it was really nice :( I looked over at Bree and she was as red as tomato crying as well rip. So sad that WIESoc is over - the fact I won't have a legitimate excuse to dick around at uni with these people anymore and they won't be forced to see me every week is sad as shit. 3 years of me life dedicated (somewhat) to this society and now its donez0
but congrats on the new team, they are an attractive bunch... i guess

PR Dinz

saying bye to my PR team :( Eugenia and Tanvi are actually leaving uni so I doubt I'll ever see them again. The rest I might see around at uni but again, they aren't forced to see me every week anymore so they will probably fuck off. Except for Bree who I've chained to me by buying us tickets to Trixie and Katya next year xD

We had our last official meeting with me as VP and I bought coffees for everyone - its like I don't earn minimum wage or something?? Then we had dinz that night at Goros and they surprised me with some flowers and donuts heheh it was so sweet.  I gave them the succulents and told them I was going to 3D print them some shit but it was just taking long. I only got around to doing Bree's that morning
But yass, wrote them cards as well and I hope they are all happy and touched by my words. something must've scarred me in my childhood that has left me emotionally stunted because I really can only express how I feel through writing. Anywho, this is meow meow posing in front of the flowers they got - they smell so good!
Went to night noodles with this cutie after the PR dinner hehe. Went with her workmate Rita and her boyfriend too but we kinda separated after a while and just did our own thing. 

Road to Summer Gathering

So I bought tickets to this rave ages ago with Joanne, but it was only us two going so knowing Joanne, I was just waiting for that message all week from her saying she was ceebs. BUT IT NEVER CAME!! So yeet met up with Jo at Town Hall after I visited Diana at Muji for her last day rip. 

Haven't seen Jo in soooooooooooooooooo long and properly talked to her. We went to Chinatown Noodle King and caught up. She's always so supportive of me and caring like idk just one of those people who make me feel important in this world. Missed her :( 

We found out that we're both going to Japan at the same time next year omg and talked about random things. Jo said I seemed so much happier these days. Idk if thats a good thing because I don't want to lose touch with reality because there is still so much shit I need to sort out with myself. We left the restaurant and I asked Jo if she wanted to meet Diana and since she was drunk and no longer socially anxious, she was like HELL YEAH. We bought Diana flowers as well on the way there HAHAHHAHAHAHA. 

Diana was so embarrassed by us waltzing in while she was working the register and giving the flowers oooops. 

The actual rave was sooooooo good holy shit. When we went in, we found so many people we knew like Andy, some of his yellow shirts and a bunch of good VSA people like Kieran, Mon, Winnie and Harry. It was lit as heck!! Bumped into Hilda, Diana's friend and she asked me to cuddle her and I was like lowkey is this ok??? but decided it was ok HAHAHAHHA IDK I asked Diana afterwards and she said ya ofc its fine but I felt like I was betraying her in the moment anywho that's a bit tmi

ooft the girl in the bg of this picture looks like a demon. This is Hilda!!!! She was so nice and kept telling everyone I was Diana's girlfriend HAHAHHAHA
but I'm so glad Jo had fun heheheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

afterwards, met up with Diana at Rita and Alice's place. They were celebrating her last day at Muji with lasagne and drinks xD. We chilled inside Alice's room and just lay on her bed mucking around I think. IDK what happened I was pretty lit. Diana drove me home from Canley station.

I love raving so much wtf this is kind of unhealthy


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