Wednesday 2 October 2019


me a shit blogger :(


Had work, James started working for the first day xD


had Stryker interview for this marketing position. I thought it went well hehe my interviewers were sooooooooo nice omfg. Started talking about nerf guns and bionicles

then went to uni, killed some time with Amy, Stephen, Niina and Bree while waiting for my first Mechanics of The Human Body lab. I met up with Viv B to walk to this neurological research facility near uni, Neura and we did motion capture on me omg!!! I basically got all these markers stuck to me in the lab and then I had to walk on some force plates while 8 ish cameras were recording the reflections from my markers. WAS LIT AS HECK!!
Went to Amy's house and bought takeaway malatang on the way. Eugene and Mei were already there, helping make the Dead By Daylight cake for Andrew's birthday surprise the next day. 


Had my WIESoc meeting in the morning then yeeted off to Canberra with Stephen, Amy, Mei and Eugene to surprise Andrew for his very very belated birthday. our car ride was just us singing a bunch of songs and eating all the snacks we bought.
Finally arrived outside Andrew's apartment and his roomate's boyfriend let us up. We opened the door to his room and yelled surprise and he was sooooo shook and kept saying what the fuck? 

They went out to get Chatime while I stayed in the apartment working on the case comp. Then we went out for dinner altogether at this fancy-esque restaurant called Akira. It was actually so yum.
kingfish sashima with yummy sauce, kimchi pancakes I think?
pork belly buns (holy shit they were so good), fried rice
prawn dumps
Afterwards, Eugene and Mei distracted Andrew by taking him to Messina while Stephen, Amy and I finished off the cake. When we lit the candles, the smoke alarm went off omg HAHAHAHA
afterwards, played a few rounds of code names and they drank. Stephen and I didn't drink because we were going to be driving back to Sydney. But the GORLS got soooooooooooo DRUNK like they were screaming in the back seat of the car for an hour when we were driving home -.-


Didn't go to work oop because had to prepare for the WIESoc case comp (Design Challenge Express) and was also beat from the day trip to Canberra. This is what James snapped me from work haha
Went to uni and met up with Yiyi and Viv to practice our preso. Was getting so fucking NERVOUS. 

Had the actual comp at night, a few of us went earlier to help set up. Took some videos of Bree Jolley being a retard. Then we met up with our mentor for an hour to refine our presentation hehehe. 
Then actually went up and did our presentation, I could feel words coming out of my mouth that were extremely non-sensical but yallah - got through it with Niina giving me 10 extra seconds to finish up!! WAS GOOOOOD heheh. I was so worried about fucking up my closing statement but all g I GOT IT OUTTTTT. HAHAHAH we look so depressed in this pic!!
 the yeetles 2.0 - what a cute pic
 the OG yeetles!!
 two white people and an adopted south vietnamese child
The Yeetles 2.0 didn't win unfortunately but we had fun and learnt quite a bit as well. Was so happy when a few people said that they thought ours was really good afterwards hehe

Afterwards, Hamez drove the Yeetles to Central. Took the train home and then got picked up by Diana at Canley Vale Station. 


Workkkkkkkk. No longer doing cables wahooooo. Was working on IDIs which were these big display screens. Was even testing them xD. Here is a cat update that my mum sent.
After work, picked up Niina from Westmead, got ready at my house then went out to the city for Bree's Birthday BASH. Niina and I had a bottle of soju before seeing Yiyi, Amy and Stephen through the Star Bar glass window. They came outside and we bought another 3 bottles of soju which we snuck into Star Bar. 

We drank more, somehow made it all the way to The Argyle. Had an espresso martini for the first time and it was so gross
 I think Diana shouted Bree some Jagerbombs??
Angela talked to me and diana for a solid 20 minutes about how amazing we both were idk she was sooooooooooooooooo cooked


Diana slept over at mine but i had tutoring early in the morning so I dropped her off at a train station near my tutor kid's house. Tutoring was fine :/

Afterwards, I'm pretty sure I went home and like napped?

Went back out again at night for Ohana drinks. We went to Chinatown Noodle house for some cheap dumplings and noodles :) Drank a bit of soju but not enough to get me fucked. Diana came too and met Joyce, Lianne and Lulu but it was mostly just us catching up. 
Diana was tired so we took the train back to Canley earlier. Ended up getting to her car on the roof and getting the skateboards out again hehe

I think I sleptover at hers l m a o


The next morning, I tutored Aidan and then went to temple with Doiana. We prayed and said hi to my grandpa. Went to Tan Viet at Cabra for lunch and had the YUMMMMMM crispy skin chicken.
Then went to Million Life and wasted 10 dollarydoos - didn't win anything this time cus we were so shit. I think I went back to hers to chill again? There is a recurring pattern here methinks. Had to do a bit of work and we just watched some movies, got home late and my mum was like wtf. 


Went to work - started assembling emergency help points and soldering these blue things to these circuit boards.
After work, caught up on uni and WIESoc. Diana came over with gong cha and offered it my parents so they wouldn't hate her for always making me come home late. 


Had WIESoc meeting 8-9 am and then hung out with Taimdaddy and Niina before my class at 12. We studied and listened to brown people music.

ooft I got to process the data from last weeks lab in OpenSim!! This is from me walking ya yeeet
Spent most of the day in that Samuels computer lab. Vincent came because he had a tute, then I hung out with him for a bit at Penny Lane because we had time to kill before our next class together. He is quite humorous xD

Then had a lecture, saw Tiffany oop

After uni, dropped Dalena off at Fairfield because hadn't seen her in twelve years then headed to Diana's. Had dinz at Fat Panda (for our one month xD). Didn't do much else, just went back to hers to chill because I was sososoos tired. HOW UNEVENTFUL HEHE


Phuc drove me to uni today EW, had my PR meeting which Sapna and Viv B decided to sit in on. Was quite uneventful, but sad because theres only two more after today. 

anywho, sitting in elec now catching up on blogging which has been a mammoth task. I AM TIRED i wish you all well and hope you don't kill yourselves in the next week.


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