Tuesday 5 March 2019


Had a really fun couple of days last week but have been totally stressed the past 3 days over WIESoc and like idk just can't deal with this trimester workload. I'll just recount the fun ones so I have the mems :(
me coming for ur cats. all of them. 

Annual Xmas Party

Had our annual xmas party at Amy's house on the 1st of March. I came from uni after doing some student ambassador T&L induction thing and was pretty fkn tired BUT it was a fun day hehehe.

we played some switch games, did kris kringle and ate food?? I dunno already forgetting at this point.

Andrew had me and he gave me some rainbow knee high socks, some cat slippers and a minion toy for oreo to play with but then amy gave it to oscar for like 2 mins and he loved it so much!!
lol when we went night shopping the thursday before, I was stressing so much over what to get for amy so last minute grabbed a dumb horse necklace from lovisa and a phone stand but then when she unwrapped it she said 4 other people had given her horse related jewellery already HAHAHAHHAHh rippppppppppppp 
we had a yummo dinner made by Eugene, Amy and her parents. Super cheesy mac n cheese yeets and bacon n asparagus twisties. For dessert we ate this croquembouche thing that was not so great hmmmm but its cus they usually got zumbo ones but zumbo is closed down now??? idk
then played charades and we all cried laughing when eugene was trying to act out SACRED COW like I was legitimately rolling on the floor

she eventually got the sacred part but then when it was up to cow which you'd think would be easier, she tried to act out milking the udders but it was so bad. Then drove eugene home and headed home!


woke up kinda excited but anxious about my party because I was worried people wouldn't have a good time.

had to tutor two kids in the morning, my cousin and Lily. Was quite uneventful and I was like hella tired afterwards. Then went to Jen's house to pick up my cake and dropped it off at home, then sped to Amy's house to get ready.

It was another stressful makeup session like idk why but every time she does my makeup its always hella rushed and we flee the house in a panic. More disaster struck when Amy couldn't find her wallet because she insisted she had it in her hands 5 mins ago but she actually never took it out of her bag.

Met up with MEi and Andrew at hursy then took the train to town hall. Was late to chicken V but then other people weren't even there yet so all goodi n the hood. Was quite an unlit dinner because I wanted to make it to my own birthday so we only had 4 bottles of soju between like 13?? WAS SO TAME SMH

i felt sososoos much pressure to make all my friends like each other because the only reason i didn't have a birthday party last year was because I was worried what would happen if i mixed my friend groups and was lowkey freaking out about that on my birthday too BUT ISSA OK

at the end of dinner they fkn BROUGHT OUT A SURPRISE BIRTHDAY CAKE AND OMG I WAS SO SHOCKED IT WAS CAKE IN THE SHAPE OF SOJU BOTTLE WITH MY PASSPORT PHOTO IN THE MIDDLE OF ITTTTTTTTT AHHHHHH IT WAS SO FUNNY. Yiyi, Viv and Niina made it hehhehehehehehehe. it was great cake but sad because no one wanted to takeaway it

Then we rushed to my actual birthday venue and when i arrived the only people there were my parents and Viv B and her boyfriend omfg. took many many many photos with my parents and took many many shots!!!!
I dont know how much I drank but it was like 2 shots too many cus I dont remember anything that happened that night. I was having such a good drunk time but also hated only being able to spend 5 mins with everyone. sighs. also eugene hanna and mei spent like an hour trying to untangle the balloons?? i didn't even take any photos with them
everyone looked so cute and my wiesoc gurlzzzzzzz had so much glitter everywhere I Was living. Loved seeing all my cambodian friends together again and can't believe people from vsa actually showed up lmfao.
Amy was having fun meeting everyone teeheeeeeeee adam and her bonded over horses. but feels bad for niina cus she was on sober duty trying to get people to take polaroids and fill in my card. but yeet they finally gave me the scrapbook today (tuesday) and it was the cutest thing ever.

yeah idk i had fun but considering i couldn't remember most of it and didn't get to hang out with everyone as much as I wanted...... idk :( 

went home hella drunk and couldn't kick ons cus i was feeling sick SO FUCK missed out on mardi gras which was SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

A Summary

Had dinz with viv, yiyi and niina yesterday at saigon bowl in cabramatta cus they were in cabramatta doing their nails. got so much goss about the yiyi and ivor situation -.-----------------------------

wholesome day today, almost had a panic attack yesterday idk if ive ever been so stressed inmy life lol. wiesoc is killing me. had so many interviews for it yesterday and offloaded some to Bree today but still. I feel sososooss much pressure and with fucking 4 things due in the next week and a half at uni idk how im gonna do this. today after an interview i walked outta the room and lizzie and phuc were there and I wasliek ???? but they were giving me my birthday presents hehehhe. they got me some basic bitch lacoste sneakers which i actually really like and some socks. but the lacoste sneakers were way too big for me so niina tried them on and they fit her so she's just gonna keep them AHAHAHAHHAHAHA. Phuc gave me some shot glasses from Korea/Japan!! 
Studied with Amy for most of tha day

had a nice visit from Selina who gave me her troll birthday present and GUESS WHAT SHE GOT ME???? THE PLANKTON SOCKS THAT I LOST IN CAMBODIA OMG I WAS LEGITIMATELY SO EXCITED THAT THEY WERE BACK

had both my director and my exec meeting, was absolutely fucked

went to faculty to do inventory of shirts with angela and niina and then shit happened and i got so much shit FOR NOTHING and im just over it at this point

was so tired and was gonna just sleepover at amy's house until i called my mum and she was like r u fkn serious i made quail for you today so stephen had to drop me off at central and I went home :( 



but i am eternally grateful for the ppl i have in my life at this moment esp amy and stephenson who care about me for no reason whatsoever


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