Monday 18 March 2019

for forever

never had anything consume my life so much and me not be that mad about it


Chill day at uni! Slept only 4.5 hours the night before but managed to get to uni by 10 am. Stayed in matsci with Amy and Stephen the entire day working on WIESoc stuffs. 50/50 event going live on Monday yeeeeet. I'm super proud of the content we're about to put out hehehe
Hire me betches. 
Then had ran around with Cambodians for a lil bit, finally got my arc sticker and had dinz at the ramen place near uni :)


slept a fkn lot, tutored my cousin and her mum made this amazing salmon and quinoa thing for lunch omg
Then went home to nap, tutored Lily and then went home and did absolutely nothing. What a day! Watched soooooo many Michael Jackson videos I felt like I was legit going crazy because there was so much evidence on both sides and idk who to believe anymore. did he really "diddle the kiddies" as Stephen says? 


Tutored another kid then went to Amy's house to study. Was procrastinating so hard by doing WIESoc stuff, then finally smashed out my project proposal for MMAN4410 and handed it in an hour before the deadline. 


Drove Amy to horse riding and Stephen and I watched her lesson LMFAO. It wasn't boring but it wasn't the most entertaining ting ever. BUT WATEVS it was nice to get up early in the morning and do smth. Twas amy's last lesson with hugoooooo
Then had brunch at entertainment quarter. Eugene sent Amy these weird messages about how each dish represents us so well -.- 
Now I'm in lib by myself not doing anything because my next thing due is on Friday YEET. 

This is so beautiful and the bridge they added o m g why wasn't it in the original??? help me its so nice I can't stop listening.
queer eye is back for season 3 and just watched the first ep ahhhhhhhhhh I love them sososoos much.


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