Sunday 3 March 2019

do you work thot

my shits have been so weird since I got back to Sydney

also its been over a week since I got back and can I just say I've pretty much reverted back to my old slug ways. I have woken up later than 11 every day I don't have uni and basically Netflixing / doing nothing on the internet in my spare time even though I am so so so behind uni work already. WHY AM I LIKE THIS.

I still miss my Cambodian family and stalk them on Facebook hahahha and cafe dude keeps video calling me and saying he misses me a lot and saying he can't stop crying but o k. Direct translation of what he said was, "every time I lay down, the tears flow".

Also my skin is worse idk if its because I keep forgetting to take my doxy or my house/bed is just dirty?? I can keep milking these malaria meds for good skin for another 3 weeks but after that I should really get off them lmao. I checked with my sis and she says its the same shit she took when she was in high school for acne.

Anyway, watched Ready Player One last night and it was quite good. Feel like all of the characters could've been done better. I cared more about the animated ones than the real ones. Also some of the dialogue was super lame and there were way too many improbablE near misses, like the part where the girl Art3mis was in the evil dude's office and no one saw her jumping behind the sofa and disappearing through the back door?? no way hose

Spent most of today booking shit for my birthday, I am super duper excited now hehehe. Only poopy thing is I'm missing out on Mardi Gras which would've been fun :(

But whatever she'll be right


Suffering, suffering, suffering

8 am:  WIESoc Meeting
9 am: Mechatronics Lab
11 am: Worked on comp lab for forever
4 pm: Handed in comp lab but there was so many people to marked so we just sat around waiting for the tutors

What are the chances???

So back when I was in Cambodia, I ordered some surgical light bulbs for my hospital but they don't have any street numbers in my province so I set the delivery address to the main street and wrote in the comments, "deliver to hospital". Since arriving back in Australia, I've been receiving email updates like, "your package has arrived in Cambodia" and just crossing my fingers that it would be delivered properly to the hospital but also not expecting it to even get to Preah Vihear??

ANYWAY, I was just talking on messenger to one of the homestay's friends and out of nowhere he goes, "by the way did you order something from China" and I'm like "yeah??? how did you know" and he's like, "I work at the post-office".
Then I asked him if he knew the biomed engineer at the hospital and he was like yeah, I can pass them onto him omfg I'm dead my LIGHTBULBS HAVE ARRIVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lumos that mothafucking operating theatre


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