Wednesday 13 March 2019

me happy?

hi so I had my second birthday today xD

was super busy the whole day like had four hours of WIESoc: director meeting, exec meeting, training Tara up and then helping Yushi and Tanvi with their cover photos OMG I was just a messsssssssssssssssssssssssss. Also had to grab 8 shirts out of the faculty storeroom to give to my friendos who just bought em. Was supposed to be working on my assignment the whole day but then ended up ... just being ceebs? Its due in 8 hours and I've yet to start.

Hehehe but Eugene came to study today and I was in the mood to play. We stopped studying at around 3:30 to pick Stephen's face hairs. Amy gave me my birthday present and IT IS THIS PAIR OF FKN NICE AS HELL SONY NOISE CANCELLING HEADPHONES OMG im actually dead this may be my favourite thing i've ever received???? i'm literally STILL SHOOK WTF LIKE HOW HAVE I NEVER NOTICED THAT THE WORLD IS SO DAMN NOISY??

Had MY DIRECTOR MEETING, keen for bondings then a lit exec meeting... there was so much bitching happening.
Then had to go home cus my sister was back in Carramar and she wanted to give me my birthday present that my cousins chipped in for. AND IT WAS THIS AMAZING OREO BLANKET  AND OREO PILLOW OMFGGGGGGGGGGGGGG im actually ded


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