Monday 11 March 2019

IWD, Brendaddy's Birthday & 50/50 Photoshoot

me been so fookin out of it I didn't know a new Game of Thrones trailer dropped 5 DAYS AGO???? Anyway this post going to be a big boi catch up XD

International Women's Day

Woke up bright and early to practice my guitar playing before IWD and like I couldn't remember the chord progressions so I just wrote them on my wrist gg. Practiced with Tahnee and she was sososoos nervous but when we actually got up to do it SHE WAS AMAZING OMFG so confident n shit LOVED IT!!

so dis my PR Team and we are the pr stars  d u h
and dis is me and the events teammmmmmmmm heheheheh 
and dis is tahnee and I PERFORMING YEET. fked up twice but JUST PRETENDED IT DIDNT HAPPEN HAHAHHAA
The event was OK, ran into Christine Ma who was one of the industry representatives there. Then chilled with a few Cambodians before going to Ainsworth to work on my FEA group assignment with Wesley yeet.

Brendaddy's Birthday

Went to Archie Brothers that night to celebrate Brenda's 21st. She only invited around 10 of us so it was super wholesome and cute!! 
We had pizza, got drunk off moscato and then had two hours of free play time on almost all the arcade machines. Drunk bumper cars was the funniest thing ever omgggggggggggggggggg we had so many laughing fits XD. Met Andrew Do, the new IVP of VSA State hehehe. They doing such a better job than we did last year.

Didn't get a photo with my own 21 balloons so took some with Brendaddy's.
Alcohol wore off very quickly and we were all just tired as hell. Cut the cake and then took some cute af polaroids heheheh
Slept over at Niina's then she tried to kick me outta her house at like 6:30 am cus she had to go to work but I REFUSED and left at 7:30 instead. Went to Ainsworth to do some FEA but ended up doing WIESoc stuff anyway qu'est-ce que c'est nouvelle?!

50/50 Photoshoot

Had a photoshoot for the 50/50 tees. I AM TIRED YEET yoikesssss yeetus. some of the photos came out super well tho hehehehehe. 

LOOK AT THIS FKN SHIT OMFG i love it. everyone at the shoot was Cambodian heheheh except for two, Sandy and Abe and they were sososos nice for showing up. ALSO BAITED PHUC AND JO TO COME HEHEHEHEHHEEEEE  and she was so grrrrrrrr at the beginning and didn't wanna take piccys but eventually she joined 
 this photo was taken a bit shitly @ivor but it was cute
 TAHnee and adam, two white people sitting on a lawn and laughing XD
 yiyi just being her stunning self
after the shoot we went to Ainsworth to study. Eventually only Yiyi, Ivor and I were left and Ivor asked if we wanted to eat some ramen and we were like yeeeeeeeeeet so I was third wheeling yet again. Dinner was so normal tho we weren't really talking about anything spicy. the ramen was exyy as hell at $16 but it was pretty worth. 

Then Yiyi drove me home like a true queen. 

Subcommittee Training Day

tutored two kids on Saturday, then drove to uni to do more work. ate a lot of junk food

Then next morning had to get up bright n early for subcom training day. I feel like I'm a shit leader already because I have 0 motivation to make it fun for my new subcom i just wanna get shit done BUT CEEEEEbs

had general training then portfolio specific. spent a lot of general training taking photos and working on 50/50 planning. Then portfolio bonding was liek getting to know the new subcom, playing some games and learning photoshop!! fk lol i still remember my first training day jesus have lived through so many since

ANYWAY, im just struggling I GUESS I kinda just wanna be told what to do

After training day, struggled in Ainsworth to finish the grup assignment. Wesley and I were like slowly working through it lol and were just so done by the end of it. Stephen joined and we finished at around 11:45. Amy came by the visit us at around 9/10 and hehehe and brought some snacks so we wouldn't be sad. 

just when u think u aint lonely....u stay up till 3 FKN AM WATCHING SHIP VIDEOS


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