Monday 17 June 2019

blackpink - my fav so far

is u FKN SERIOUS serena the fuck are you doing


went to vivid with the people who birthed me??? spent longer than 2 hours with them for the first time IN FOREVER hahaha. I was really feeling the depletion of serotonin tho. I got so sad for a bit when I was just watching them take photos and thinking about how I really ended up at Vivid with MY PARENTS and what I did in my life to lead up to this moment but yeah I remembered that my brain was probably fucked up at that point and I felt better

Vivid itself was ok?? more enjoyable than the last time I went with my sis because like we only went to Circular Quay therefore less walking hehe. Saw CREATE's Celestrial Pancake, looks nicer in photos than irl lmfao
when I got home my homestay family called me for the first time in legit AGESSSSSSS. miss the little kiddies so much :( fuck someone give me money to go back to Cambodia. 


vroom vroomed to uni to be in 50/50 photoshoot. met up with Bree at penny lane then went to faculty to get the hoodies!! Ended up having TOO MANY DUDES AT THE PHOTOSHOOT AGAIN -.- why does this always happen HAHAHAHA. anywho, it was fun, ended up getting a pree g photo for the cover photo XD 

please buy hoodie it is only $30 <3 <3 <3 OR get nickname under logo for $5 extra fanks frens
some of the amazing shots that didn't quite make it to the photoshoot xD
stephen and I took actually cute photos?? who are we???
we look amazing


met up with niina at penny lane in the morning, we went to ainsworth to do a bit of stoooody bumped into bree breeeeeee and then idk what i did it was too long ago :(


what a luong hecking DAY. Got to uni and went to my robotics tute. met my new lab group which included Antony, Cece and Cosette hehe. We all did our safety assessments and were hyping each other up when we were tryna grab the little block and stack it on the table. was a good time. got called halfway through the lab because our fixed hoodies were here!!! went to grab them but ran into YIYI muthafucking CHENG who I dragged with me. The delivery man jokingly gave me shit for giving him bad directions on how to get there lmfao
then had lunch at the viet place on top of Mathews with Niina before our tute (it got moved back to 2) and ranted to her for so long about my WIESoc related stress but the pho made me feel a lot better, even if it was shit. 

We got the tute location wrong so legit RAN to Samuels to meet the guy whom we were going to be working with the create a prosthetic!! He was a below the knee amputee and wanted us to make him this super FANCYYYY prosthetic leg that you could only buy in America. We were kinda like......................... UMMMMMMM??? but the meeting went really well, he's a super chill dude and like had the thickest leb accent ever HE KEPT SAYING YOUSE, LOIKE ITS UP TO YOUSEEEE

then went back to Ainsworth, roped a few of these rats to help disassemble the wall. It was a hecking fun time!!! Very sad, but still fun. Pulling the screws out was so satisfying. 
Then took the bus with Eugenia to go photograph checkpoint 1. I almost died by the end of the day I was so tired. Anoushka and Emily tried their best to keep me company tho hehhe.

Then trained to Bevo to meet Amy and Stephen who were at pancakes on the rockssss. Had some delicious apple crumble pancakes, stole some of their wedges and then we went back to Amy's to watch Always Be My Maybe. Some of the jokes fall very flat but overall its cute heheh.


went into uni kinda early to do the AIAA shoot, had to grab hoodies again and ran into Minh in the elevator as well as 2 faculty staff lol I wanted to die. They wanted to see the hoodie I was wearing lmfao

Was all over the place doing posts & shoots that day ( shoot me ) and yallah stayed at uni until pretty late like 7:30 with James. Trained it home but there was a 27 min wait at Cabra so I went to get coco. sad reacts.

Went home and holy shit me, finished off the entire season of Tales of the City. I slept at 4 am.


RAVE DAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! hahah jokes went to Blackpink
met up these clowns at Lidcombe, we went to Chicken V to drink!!! Had 5 bottles of soju between 3 lmfaooooo because Amy Lim only had half a shot -.-
somehow made it to Olympic Park where selz and I chugged the last sojuuuuu and then our bodies were ready.
missed out on merch because they sold out by the time we got there :( but yo, ima say this NOW, legit this was the best concert I've been to EVER.

They were amazing performers LIKE GENUINELY AMAZINNNNNGGGG all of them could sing and dance so so so so so so well, with the exception of maybe Jennie who I think was the weakest vocalist BUT YENNO whatever, they're a group so we shall judge them as such

Lisa's dancing solo had me Y E L L I N G bruh when she started humping the floor... straight up jesus was sitting up there like Serena you are going to hell
and when Rose sang coming home, was so emotional I wanted to cry. I have no recollection of Jisoo doing clarity but I guess it happened. 

love my Khalid Masterssssssss. bunch of dumb, weak ass clowns we are xD
lmfaooo what is happening to the news


woke up quite hungover but had to tutor two kids that day

then went home, made the BESS post for 50/50, took a phat nap, woke up and had dinner then called Amy, did some more WIESoc then went to bed


had a full day of uni, was tired, am still tired

got to uni at 9 am for a hecking lecture (like who am I really???), then had a lil break where I met up with Eugenia to work on the 50/50 video. Ran in the rain to my MTRN4230 lecture where I took off my shoes to dry my nasty af socks. Consumed Amy's oreo cheesecake while learning about various image processing techniques. Then went to my MTRN3500 lab where I sat next to Rachel Feng, an actual coding GENIUS and learnt how to finally send code to the board HAHAHA. fuck im dumb.

Then had another little break where I did some WIESoc work, coincidentally bumped into Bree and Yushi, then had a MTRN4230 tute. Started using matlab to do some shit.

Then found Ivor Metcalf and Alcuin in Ainsworth, went into Bugle/Horn to study. Bree joined us and then I literally did no work for 2 hours??? yiyi brought us some maccas after her exam, how generous xD. Should I pay her back the $1?? nah


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