Tuesday 4 June 2019

roadtrips and birthdays

ok before you read this post, WATCH MY HECKING VLOG. ALSO this is a recap of my entire holiday (like its really long but i have to keep those mems yenno) so if you don't want to read it PLEASE AT LEAST WATCH THE VLOG I SPENT A WHOPPING DAY ON IT heheheh thank u next <3

Jo's Birthday

meow meowwww. did a lowkey ish thing for Jo's birthday. She invited her cousins and VSA UNSW. Had dinz at madang, then went karaokeeee. I was v sober so Jo looked at me and ordered me a wet pussy shot but then the waiter came back and was like ... u gotta order at least 6 so jo being the swoonbae she is ordered 6 HAHAHAHHA.

me queen vicccy

we were bored and being lazy at amy's house so they turned me into an 18th century woman. I think andrew came over afterwards and we played code names?? I don't remember :(

Cambodian Road Trip

- DAY 1 -

Went away to Boat Harbour with my Cambodians for a few days!! Tahnee's aunt has a airbnb there so it was discounted for her but YEEEEET IT WAS SOSOSOOS CHEAP LIKE $18 A NIGHT!! The house was friggen massive as well omggggg. 
First night, only the Cambodians were there and it was so fun LMFAOOO. We made spaghetti which was lit as heckK. Drank so much goon like wow I can now drink goon like a classy woman. 
Vivian is only nice to me when she's drunk I swear to JESUS this reminds me of the Jo situation at the beginning of VSA when I thought she hated me.
we did what Tahnee calls a "doob"???? Inhaling the smoke made Stephen chunder but lol he was so drunk he was trying to like bleach the toilet bowl to make it not smell. 

- DAY 2 -

had some bbq eggs and bacon for breakfast, was delicious, would recommend, should do it every road trip.

didn't bring my swimmers so I was just sad wading around in the water but it was still a good time.
after the beach, had lunch and went to putt putt. I was pree shit BUT not as shit as Yiyi who needed like 10 putts the make some of the holes. Then some of us went for a nice lil drive to a random lookout point to watch the sunset but the sunset was actually blocked by the mountain behind us. ANYWHO, it was still fun adventuring e t c. sang blackpink on the way bacccc and vivian tran knew all the words O_O
had butter chicken for dinz, then we played a shitton of jenga. We played it normally first and whoever knocked itover had to drink but then we sped it up and changed the rules so you had to flick the piece out. Got super fked cus the punishment was a vodka shot mixed with the tiniest bit of cranberry juice. NASTY.
walked to the coast and set up a lil bonfire. hair and shirt smelt like smoke but it was a good time.
Went a little hyper when we got back to the house lol Yiyi and I were fighting Ivor and James and trying to suffocate them with the bed mattresses while Yiyi was legit bleeding so much from her foot. 

- DAY 3 -

went to the beach again
Tahnee and her big dick
was very relaxing, got a few shades BLACKER and then we went back to the house for lunch which was some sausages, bacon and egg. YUMmMmMmmM. 

then drove Stephen and myself back to Amy's house. listened to my music on the way home and sang my heart out while Stephen slept. 

was a super fun road trip and was nice to hang with Cambodians again. lets go back to cambodia together one day shall we?

Cocktail Night

had a great time at the powerhouse museum xDDDDD 

it was actually so fun lmfao. I arrived pretty early and was just talking to some WIESoc GORLS. Then started drinking a LOT with the Cambodians and Angela hahahhaa.
I vividly remember both Yiyi and Angela hopping onto the bike that was unrideable. 
fuck we look so heckin classsssyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! 
was talking to riya dalal and drunkenly looking into her beautiful GREEN EYES and she was like send me your resume i'll try get you on board our team and I was like......... YES MAAM WILL DO FIRST THING TOMORROW and then proceeded to forget the next day.

what a good looking bunch uwu. i really like this photographer looool

Cake Pups

went over to Amy's to make cake pops for Niina's bday. stayed up till 1 am??? because we were stubborn and didn't watch any instructional videos so we didnt know to put the chocolate over a double boiler. Every time we went to dip the cake pops in, the chocolate would immediately solidify and then we had to use a hairdryer to melt it again and it was just a hot fucking MESS. 

but below is the character development of our little doggy faces xD 
turned out pretty cute if i say so myself. 

Niina's Birthday

so yes it was this bitch's birthday on the 25th
twas a v fun party. mostly hung out with Amy, Stephen, Cambodians and WIESoc people. But got like 8/10 litty which is a v nice level to be at.

look at this cute candid photo we took!!! The balloons were so nice hehehe. Also so many of Niina's aunties and uncles and fam friends were there so it was a little weird to be drinking so heavily.
cake pops popped offfffff. everyone said they were delicious xD
 we played the multiplication game and I was so OP if I say so myself. drank more, finished all the soju and kinda ran outta alcohol at the end of the night but was pree lit. Then sat outside with the WIESoc gorls and talked about what??? I dont know lmfao.
then went back inside and Niina's boyfriend started vomiting so it was just me, Bree, Angela and Hasara chatting. Yiyi was dead asleep snoring on the floor LMFAOOOO. I also don't remember what we were talking about it was nice.

Next morning, my tutor kid cancelled THANK FUCK. Took a photo with these losers in front of the 21 balloons WHICH I HELPED ORDER but didn't get a photo with the night before lel.

Grafifty Wall

spent Monday - Thursday working on this monstrosity. We made a lot of people come in on the Monday to do their makerspace induction..... but in the end Bree, Yiyi, Eugenia, Angela and I did like 90% of the work. 
On the second day we did majority of the actual construction of the board. Angela, Eugenia and I were on the big board with some help from Navya!! Bree and Lavanya were doing the art work stencilling and cutting hehe. made some stands but screwed right through them so ummmm had to grind the stubs off lel.
On the third day, we painted the board white and spray painted the centre circle then finished off the stands. It was just Bree, Eugenia and I but it was v nice and chill.

Then on the last day we just painted errrrrything.  what a time XD. Amy and Stephen came to help on the last day hehehe.

WIESoc Road Trip

using all my might to stop calling these a retreat when they are actually road trips lmfao. It was defs one of my favourite road trips I've been on hahhaha legit felt so little anxiety it was amazing

- DAY 1 -

Met up with everyone at Wahroonga station where we headed off the start our scavenger hunt. The scavenger hunt was planned to stop at placed along the road to Terrigal so we were only ever in the car for like max 20 mins!!

Bree Jolley, Malavika and Joanna were in my car. Malavika and Joanna were so niceeeeeeee.
 Included pics of some our stops hehehehe. Petrol station with some absurd petrol prices ??
 A random park where we had to take a pic on the slide and also make up a secret handshake, it was retarded.
 mOONY moony point where we did an iconic pose xD
 a "welcome to" sign
 and a W for WIESoc at Gosford city park yeah the girls. we also had to buss it down to old town road in front of strangers and it was so embarrassing i wanted to die
we had a woolies lunch at Terrigal and played some beach cricket but i was utter shit lol literally fell over running and landed in the sand. BUUUUUT our car team was amazing ya yeeeeet we won the scavenger hunt because we legit did everything. 

then when we actually got to the house we were so lazyyy. we sat on the couch and watched Someone Great which was such a cute cute cuteeeeeeee movie ahhhhhhhhh.

then I helped cook dinner XD. It was SO SHIT HAHAHAHAHHA. I swear Sara didn't read the recipe properly and the HR team didn't buy enough chicken stock so the risotto wasn't cooked through, and also the recipe taught us to make kale pesto but it just tasted like grass :(
 Yolo tho, we had moscato, a shitton of goon and soju and go v lit. Everyone got tragic as heck because so many people weren't experienced drinkers so they went way too far and just chundered errywhere. Its aight, still someone wholesome tho we had nice chats. Was hella annoyed because I was talking to Bree and Hasara but we got shushed by Nancy who was tryna sleep so I went downstairs to chat to Niina and Minh but they didn't wanna talk to be because they were too tired so i just went to sleep

- DAY 2 -

woke up late to chips strewn all over our bedroom floor, chunder bucket in the corner, Angela no longer passed out next to the bed??? LOL. Went upstairs for breakfast which was pancakes hehehe. Then went back downstairs with Niina, Yiyi, Viv and Minh and played the 36 questiosn to fall in love game cus we were heckinnnnnnnnn BORED. learnt a bit more about yiyi and niina and idk it was so SO SO WHOLESOME.

then we had pizza for lunch and went adventuring with these poops
 we went to a couple of beaches around the area. we were at the first one for a hot 10 mins before it literally started POURING and we had to run back to the car LEL. after that, learnt my lesson and brought an umbrella with me. we also went to a famuz lookout point in Terrigal and took nice piccys.
 then went to BWS to buy more alcohol and dishwashing liquid, then back to airbnb to play some hecking FUN AF GAMESSSS. The HR team organised like rob the nest but with maltesers, and also another game where u have to navigate an obstacle course blindfolded, with one member of your team directing you where to go using code noises. IT WAS SO FUNNY. "ACTUAL WOOOF!!!"

then dinner people started prepping for dinner so we DRANKKKK YA YEET. had moscato, goon and got preeeeeeeeee litty. that night was the night for karaoke lmfaooo Yiyi and I were queuing the BEST songs ahhhh and I got so emotional when "If I Were a Boy" and "Breakeven" came on even tho not sure how I relate to either of them terribly??? 
then went downstairs to brush my teeth with bree, ange and hasara and were jsut laughing so much and being doofusessssssss. Bree gave me a piggy back because she a strong woman. then went back to chat with Hasara nad Bree again and same thing happened, I crawled back to my OG bed with Niina and Minh EXCEPT THIS TIME I WOKE THEM UP SO THAT THEY WOULD TLAK TO MEEEEEEEEEE!!!! 

- DAY 3 -

woke up late again, cleaned up a bit, had nutella toast for breakfast then sat outside and chilled waiting for the HR team to finish cleaning up ya yeet.
car trip home was heckin uneventful,,,, dropped bree off, dropped danika off then niina and i went to lunch in Randwick. went back to her home to nap before I headed to Amys!!

Saucy Five

we ate some yummy matcha dessert her mum made, then headed to Stonebowl for dinnahhhhhhhhh. Said hi to Eugene before she abandoned us for her brother's birthday hehhee. Mei and Andrew were there and bickering as usual. 
Then went back to Amy's where we played codenames and pandemic. WE LOST IN PANDEMIC BECAUSE WE WERE SHORT ONE MOVE HOLY SHIZ NIZZZZZ

then went homeeeeeee!!! 

SIGHS this was such a long blog post and i havent even blogged about my return to uni :( 

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