Sunday 9 June 2019

curve ball

Dalena invited me to go Curve Ball with some of her mates last minute and I was like... well I ain't doing anything on Saturday anyway SO I WAS LIKE FUCK IT lets waste some money I really don't have!!

Now that I'm thinking about it I really shouldn't have 🍾🧢 because last time I was at RL Grime back in December ish and I TRULY FORGOT HOW GOOD IT IS HAHAHHAHAHAHAA and now I want to do it again and I'm going to hell with zero dollars
TOOK NO GOOD PHOTOS..... we look DEMONIC in all of them. 
So yeah dalz invited her mate Danny first, then she invited Leanna and I and legit none of us knew anyone else besides dalz so we bonded at this random fucking rave and it was the best last minute decision i've ever made XD. At the beginning I wasn't feeling it and Leanna kept cuddling me and I was SO SOBER AND UNCOMFORTABLE but then it ended up hitting me and WE ALL HAD THE TIME OF OUR LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its funny how in it you're just like wow this is truly the peak of existence and then afterwards its just sad cus it feels like a dream :( 
I took no good photos of the stage either but ya yeet it went off during Mallrat's set. Hayden James had these cool af squares that would like light up along with the music and just B R U H
anywho, woke up today after 11 HOURS OF SLEEP, went to yum cha with fam cus sister was back, then went home and did wiesoc stuff all day, did a bit of uni work xD
um Clarke and Bellamy from the 100 got married in real life.......... what the fuck????

someone tell me what the fk i just made?? can't tell if it looks good or just whack

also you know im getting lonely when i start daily blogging again ................ when your two friends are having fun with their boyfriends and you just out here like 


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