Saturday 22 June 2019


when u set ur frames to 0.03 seconds


hoodie sales closed YA YEET done done done

was at uni all day for WIESoc like what am I going to do next year without WIESoc?? actually study??
Had meetings from 8-9, 10-11 and 6-7 smh. Our marketing meeting with EngSoc went v well, we were actually bouncing ideas off one another and their directors are like soooooooooo knowledgeable with animation and shit?? issa cool.

anywho, chilled at ELEC building with WIESoc gorls during the break, we literally did nothing productive for 2 hours. had our exec meeting at the same table because we were ceebs moving and I felt personally victimised the WHOLE TIME but like I know I was being irrational.

Then went out to drink with SQUAD and had a litty time. Was a catch up and basically phuc was just offloading to us the whole time and we were all calling him out. I will never forget when we asked why are you still with her then and he was like... I LIKE sex

Learnt a new drinking game from Phuc and it took a while to comprehend because we were legitimately COOKED. We had 9 bottles of soju between 5 I think?? genuinely all our tolerances have gotten so high. (in b4 phuc got home and puked 4 times).

after chicken v we headed to maccas for some reason to eat??? Idk but Niina and Lizzie bought sausage mcmuffins and were halfway through eating them before they realised it was practically RAW. I had a full "can I see the manageR" moment because I was drunk HAHAHA bu they remade it for us.

Jez dropped Niina and I off at Niinas. Went to bed.


Next morning, walked to uni with Niina and Vincent. They had class so I was like hmmm I'm feeling lazy should I jsut go home? So I went home and literally 10 mins after I arrived home Yiyi messaged me like SEE YOU AT 1. I COMPLETELY FORGOT WE WERE DRINKING OMFG. But yeah was pretty productive at home, formatted and sent through hoodie orders.

Then WENT OUT for PR bonding and Dani's birthday. Ya girl's a full fledged alcoholic now. what a night to remember...

So first off, went to O Bal Tan for dinz with my PR team. Played never have I ever, who's most likely to... etc and intro'd them to like Titanic yenno these mothafuckin noobs most of them never been to kbbq. Got pretty lit like a solid 6/10 and then we all left to go our separate ways. Most of them kicked ons at ELSOC pub crawl but I had to go to Dani's.
Walked my ass all the way from O Bal Tan to Pyrmont Bridge Hotel and was just having one of those moments yenno when you're drunk and alone and start getting super sad and then think about how beautiful the city looks from Darling Harbour HAHAHAHAHHA

made it to Danis, SElz and Amy were already there so had a few drinks with them. we missed Joanne so in a photostrip she was replaced by her bro HAHAHHA
Most of the chill people from state team were there too like Kieran, Mon, Carmen, Bonnie and Winnie. Had a good time, don't remember much of it, only that I ate a long and drank many many vodka red bulls. Phuc arrived and he seemed so spaced out... turns out he had a weed brownie and legit just greened out. Had to call his girlfriend to pick him up and idk JUST NEVER SEEN HIM THAT TRAGIC BEFORE. This industry woman that I networked with at the EngSoc high tea was at Dani's party and I was pree lit so didn't know what I said??
Went to a random alleyway to have a balloon party. Forgot how fun they were lmfaoooooooooooooooo. Went back to Kieran's car to continue our balloon party. Then went to the Star to gamble!! Obviously not me cus I legit still don't know how to play any of the games BUT HAHAHHA just watched Kieran and Bonnie go at it. Carmen and I eventually left to get some exxy af viet food but it was hella gooOOOOoOod. I think I had a nice conversation with her about like life because I don't really know her well at all despite being in her team for a whole damn year. BUT YEAH it was such a fun night. Checked my phone and the last train already went so I was like... I FUCKED UP but remembered Bree had offered for me to stay over

so, messaged bree like where TF are you come to the star so we can meet up and go home together but then she goes IM HERE!!! and when I checked her location she was literally at STAR BAR?!!?! but she ended up ubering to the star to meet me then we ubered back to her grandparents' house. When I checked my messages this morning I realised it was actually my bad because I said I was at Star Bar.
got back to Bree's house and like I was just going through all her shit cus her room was so neat and tidy and I was completely fascinated by that concept. then we went to bed but stayed up till 4 am talking and it was v nice and wholesome. I was so energetic because of the red bulls but she had to get up at 9 am the next day so at one point just told me the shut up or we'd be zombies tmr. (I legit just woke up from a 3 hour nap to write this). Hi Bree I know you are probably reading this but just wanted to tell you here... so you know that I truly mean it when I say, you're a hoe.



this morning, woke up and met Bree's grandpa who has the most Australian vernacular ever... legit couldn't understand half of what he said. But he was hella nice and dropped us off at Town Hall!! Bree and I parted ways at Central :(

Got to Cabra and had to change to a bus cus of trackwork. Bought a burger from John Belvedere YASSS and then hopped on the bus home. Since then which was about 10 hours ago, I HAVE DONE NOTHING. No studying, nothing NOTHING. 

just watched the songwriter documentary about Ed Sheeran writing the Divide album and heck he is so talented ???

oh my god I really was going to publish this blog without writing about SHAWN MENDES AND CAMILA CABELLO'S NEW SONG HELLO SENORRRRRRRRITTTTTTTAAAAAA. its one of those songs where like you hear it once and immediately you know its going to be a banger... YOU KNOW like when you know.


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