Saturday 8 June 2019

What does 50/50 mean to you?


the great wall of wiesoc finally got to see the light of day hehehehhee. I'm actually v proud of what we managed to accomplish!! Legit Bree and Yushi came up with this idea probs just over a month ago?? and yesterday it was finally up and running and people were writing on it and it was just so COOL
Lettuce rewind a little bit. Bree and I got to Penny Lane just before 9 am in the hecking morning, got some coffee, gave each other shit, and then went down to Makerspace only to find... YEAH THE BOIS IT OPENS AT 10??? 

I spent like 20 mins freaking out about where the sandbags and hoodies were because we needed both for the event... quickly resolved the sandbag issue but my GOD the hoodies >:( They were signed off by someone by the name of Matt yesterday without my knowledge so like ran down to Sam Cracknell where I told them to deliver to see if there was a Matt there that managed to pic them up AND THANK JESUS THERE WASSSSS!!! 

Was happy, opened the box of hoodies up to find they have royally FUCKED UP the look of the nicknames. was disappointed and sad but was like well fuck guess we can't do anything about it but then after having a pep talk with niina, minh and bree they all agreed that it was unacceptable and not my fault so we should complain
anywho, to add to the stress, everything was running behind schedule like the 5050 qpay link wasn't painted on, sandbag contact went AWOL, everyone went missing when i needed them to carry the board LMFAOOOOOOOO

anywho, 6 of us carried the board down to sam cracknell and lemme tell u, my arms almost fell the fuck off. After finally putting the board down, my hands were shaking cus all the muscles in my arms were torn. I legit could not get out of bed this morning cus everything hurt so much.

yallah, a few screws later, THE BOARD WAS FINALLY UP!!!! could relax a tad, people started showing up to the BBQ and writing on the wall and it was fab :) 
then had to run off to my first BIOM tute of the sem. It was kinda interestingggg!! Did the abilities questionaire and I put myself and like pretty able to do everything, Niina put herself and completely SHITE so guess what we got put into the same team HAHAHAHA. Our group is meeting with an elite athlete with a leg amputation and we have to come up with a product to suit his needs. HOW COOL!!
then grabbed my second of the day and went to ainsworth level 5 to chill with cambodians + minh. wactched most of the my lecture and dicked around with them until I had to go to WIESoc exec meeting. WAs quite uneventful

then went to a 7-9 pm lab with stephen which was a glorified safety induction. We learnt how to control this orange robot arm thing which was pree cool. Then he drove me to central and when I hopped on the platform, gave viv B a call to ask how to resolve this hoodie crisis. Drafted an email on the train, sent it to viv B and then she literally rewrote it and sent it back to me. I sent it to the company and the boss replied so quickly and basically said he was sorry and would redo the whole order free of charge SO YEAH THE BOIS!!!!!!


DID NOTHNG TODAY AND IT WSA GREATTT , jokes lmfao did a bit of work but mostly had a chill day with this feline goddess
I have decided that I need a friend that knows where to get the goods from l m a o


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