Friday 8 January 2016

finally home (Amy's Sleepover x2)

I was away from my home for almost 3 days.

On Tuesday I went to work, don't remember what happened, then went to Amy's for sleepoverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Had to wait for FD and Amy for like half an hour. I just sat on the floor outside Hurstville Coles and played Mr Jump so sad. The whole phamily came to pick us up (Kevin driving) but they just went home without us when they realised there weren't enough seats.

On the bus ride to Amy's house FD finally realised how much she hangs out with Victor. It ok though she's preparing for her future as his wife ;)

Amy's mummy made us pho for dinner and it was very yummy. It was a pretty chill night we just went on our phones until we decided to get drunk again. FD drank some mandarin soju shots with us but had to go home early. Mandarin soju is so yummy omg. Amy and I drank some vodka as well and we got weird. We started being like "you're such a good person" "no you're such a good person" "no I'm a terrible person" "omg stop you're so kind" and so on. I still haven't gotten drunk enough to vomit / do things that I don't remember. We tried to play monopoly but Amy was so gone and kept insisting she had to call Andrew. Also facetimed Connie and she was like wtf.

This is the key to HSC success: drink till you can't stand. Then you can sit and study.
The next day was such a slow day. We made breakfast crepes at like 12 and called FD back over. I really wanted to make them funky colours so I made one purple and one pink!!!!!! The pink one actually turned out looking like burnt skin.

Then FD the excellent P plater who is not going to kill anyone anytime soon went to pick up Stephen. We bought some kebabs for lunch and lalalala. We watched two movies: Shaun of the Dead (which everyone hated but I liked) and Spongebob the old one with David Hasselhoff...

Ate kebabs for lunch, homemade kbbq (with homemade kimchi as well!) for dinner and then baked some matcha souffles that were pretty ok??

Fd and I played portal 2 and it was so struggle but pretty fun. It requires so much team work hahaha.

Then slept over again cus yolo and I had work early the next day soooooooo might as well stay in Hurstville since its closer. I'm the Phamily's third child fo reals. Amy suggested I wash my jeans so we (she) did lel. We put it in the dryer for 20 mins but it was still wet.

I woke up the next day and had to hairdry my jeans. First time in a long time I have gotten only 5 hours of sleep. Tb to badminton days when that would happen every week.

Went to work, pretty standard day, got screamed at twice haha. Then my parents visited me and ate some lunch. They were so damn embarrassing omggggggggggggggggggggg. They started talking to my boss about me and they were all talking in viet and I felt like I was at a parent teacher interview???????? It was so weird. I made them come after 2:30 so I could take my break at that time then go home with them at 3. Co-workers were nice and offered to make them coconut water for free.

They started telling the surrounding people "that waiter is our daughter!!" and I was just like fkking hell just gonna keep wiping the table.

Then they started taking shitloads of pictures holy moly. Thank buddha the restaurant was not busy otherwise I would've actually died. These are only a fraction of what they made me take:
Had dinner at Tim Ho Wan in Burwood. The bbq pork buns are life fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Now I am finally home and very very very tired. 

1 comment:

  1. HAHHAHAHAAH YOUR PARENTS ARE SO FUNNY, it's as if they opened a restaurant
