Saturday 2 January 2016

tipsy again

omg i want to get more drunk please someone host a party and invite me

just came home from Manly's fiancee's birthday party. Had a beer, a cider and 2 shots of tequila and feeling hella tipsy rn. I'm actually kind of lightweight if I think about it.

My parents left early otherwise I wouldn't have had drinks lel, The other townhouse relatives were totes judging me omg they were taking photos of my cousin and I with our beers to show our parents later lmao.


Anyway their wedding is in March woohoooooooooooooooooooooooo.

The party was at their new house. I have no goss to spill I just started dancing a lot after the 2nd shot. I just downloaded Quantico woohoo looking forward to it!! I have work tmr 6-11 :(

Bo Yi kept slapping everyones butt. Chloe the dog was so cute she kept rolling on her back everytime we starting patting her cus she wanted us to scratch her tummy.

Here's to getting more drunk at future parties!!


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