Monday 4 January 2016

Cool/creepy train stories?????? u be da judge.

The past few days I have been driving a lot and working. That's basically it. I have nothing to blog about.

Anyway a couple of weeks ago after night shift at Me Oi, I was on the train by myself and I was reading the Martian. As the train was pulling up to Chester Hill, this middle aged guy spotted me and was like wow are you reading the Martian?? And I was like yeh I am (but inside I was like fk fk stop talking to me wtf are you doing). And then he started talking about Interstellar and Star Wars and all this stuff hahahah. He was like do you like science? And I was like yeh I studied phys and chem at school and he was like I studied chem at TAFE!!! He was really nice and excited about everything. He asked me for my email and I gave it because I didn't know how to say no and this is what he sent me:
This was like three weeks ago???? And I still haven't replied. Oh well. He seemed to have pure intentions but idkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk strangers scare me. He was so nice tho.

On Saturday there was this other guy who was like 100% pure creepy. There were a total of four people in my carriage: me, this other girl, this sleeping teenage guy and this creepy middle aged dude wearing sunnies. I was just napping but I noticed the creepy dude kept turning his head to look at the other girl then me. Like his head kept pivoting again and again and I was like wtf. I couldn't see his eyes behind his sunnies tho.

Nek minnit the other girl and the sleeping boy both get off at Punchbowl so its just me and the creepy dude and internally I'm cautious but not panicking cus maybe he was just casually looking??? So I just start playing games on my phone to make it look like I don't want to talk to anyone but fucking hell this guy MOVES SEATS TO SIT NEXT TO ME AND ASKS ME THIS BULLSHIT QUESTION "does dis train go to liverpool or lidcombe?" and I'm just like
so I do what any sane person would do and try to switch carriages but I have to make him get up before I can do that so I'm like excuse me and he gets up and I walk up the stairs but when the doors start to open at Bankstown I notice that he is fucking getting off too so I just sprint to the next carriage when the doors open cus fuck that I'm getting outta there
When I get to the next carriage I sit behind some random girl and I'm so relieved cus he's no where in sight. And then I go into reflection mode and think why would he ask me if the train was going livo or lidcombe if he was getting off at Bankstown anyway???

Anyway thats my life for the time being. Just drove a lot today and watched lots of Quantico :/ Had super dish for dinner. 


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