Friday 25 December 2015

Angels Who Xinned

the fuck is this title. This is my 100th post wow.
For God did not spare even the angels who sinned. He threw them into hell, in gloomy pits of darkness, where they are being held until the day of judgment.
Wow the bible is brutal. Jk not trying to offend anyone's beliefs I'm just not a very religious person.

Went to temple this morning (lol temple on Christmas day) to tell my grandfather my atar. Trust me not my idea. My mother still believes that if we talk to his urn he will somehow hear??? For the 1000th time, shook some incense sticks and pretended to pray.

Had lunch with Angel and Xin after not having seen them in 5eva. After their hsc I promised to shout them chicken but it never happened and after my hsc they wanted to shout me chicken LOL.

Soooooooooooooooooo had some chicken at El Jannah and it was pretty good!! Don't know if I would trek to Granville/Punchbowl for it again tho. We had a whole chicken, chips, bread, some pickled shit and garlic spread. the garlic spread was nice but really pungent and stayed on our breath for so long.
Caught up on random HSC/uni stuff then went to Xin's house. Her room looked like a war zone. She was cleaning her closet so offered me some clothes lmao. She was planning on donating stuff she had never ever worn omg the tags were still on. Also all her tops were not wearable because of her huge boobs.

Then Angel drove us to cabra to get What the Fudge. Had the deep fried golden gaytime, mocha frappe and lychee watermelon juice. The deep fried golden gaytime was such a let down :((((( the pastry was still raw and there were way too many layers so bleurgh, mocha frappe was meh but the juice was pretty nice.
This is deep fried golden gaytime. It's usually nice :(
Then they drove me home yay didn't die by Angel's driving.

Helped mum make Christmas dinner!! I did the chicken and potatoes. potato. Chicken looked so much like vomit before it was cooked.


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