Monday 14 December 2015

Not my cousin, the suburb

Went to work today and rolled up some spring rolls. Got to leave early because boss said only people who were working tmr needed to stay back.

Only working 22 hours next week :( was supposed to work 30 with the old roster but boss changed it last minute. 2 veterans are working 84 hours next week lel. Good luck.

Lots of people going for free pho tmr yay!! be there or be square. or triangle.

Since I left early (at 4 ish) I called FD to see if they were still out after picnic meet up and yah luckily she was. I thought the whole group was getting to Circular Quay in 10 mins so I rushed to make my train from Town Hall.

Then like 15 minutes of waiting around doing nothing they finally arrived and I was met by Jan, Carrie, FD and Sharon all being like
Me being like its just a bit of sunburn
Took a ferry to Manly and just hung around at the beach. We couldn't be bothered to go into the water bcus it was too windy and we were wearing lame shoes. Carrie dipped her feet in tho. Then had fish and chips for dinner.

hERE R SOME pics. read fds better post she will probs post in like a week from now bcus shes lazy.

Fd trying to get me to smile
Sharon trying to get me to smile
Protecting my black face against any more tan with my me oi tshirt
We cute
Trying the Golden Gaytime tub. It was pretty yummy!! and just enough for 5 peeps.
Ferry back to circular quay. u can tell im tired. 


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