Tuesday 22 December 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Finally got paid at work today omg. Been waiting for my money for so long. Francis got paid $1400 for two weeks so casually holding a fat envelope containing a bajillion $50 notes.

After work met up with sis to eat dinner. Didn't get food from Me Oi because wanted to eat with sis but My said they were still gonna deduct half an hour from my pay anyway so I just got a strawberry shake.

Ordered a kimchi and ribs stew from Danjee for dinner. It was very yummy but there was so much cabbage in it we couldn't finish it all.
Then watched Star Wars and it was really good!! I'm not that big of a Star Wars fan because only watched 4-6 a few weeks ago but I was still pretty excited for it. I was not let down!! Go watch it its so fun and yah. CGI is great (except for giant evil thing I don't even know the name of), story is fab, fight scenes are cool, lightsabers are still fucking boss. I MEAN LOOK AT THIS THING.
Apparently they paid Harrison Ford 34 mil to be in it but only paid the other leads (the white girl and black guy) around 500k. oops.

I thought the girl's acting was a bit off but w/e I'm generally not a good judge of acting. brb going to watch some youtubers review it / fanboy and scream.

Forgot to mention that I finished reading The Martian a few days ago and I really liked it!! It was so funny I actually laughed out loud on the train once. After watching the movie I could visualise all the science shit a lot easier. So cool I want to go to Mars now and survive on potatoes.

Started reading the Magician and its a bit meh. Its so damn long but used $23 on it so might as well finish it.

I think my hairline is receding.

***** watched some reviews and everyone said the girl acted really well nvm


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