Saturday 9 February 2019

Cambodiyeet: Boredom :)



I realised that yesterday I ordered a drink from Ly Hout without paying YA YEET. Back here now and I was like yeah I didn't pay and they laughed and were like we know.

I saw one of the kids from the school I visited while on my bike from hospital to the cafe. The motorbike in front of me just slowed down and I was like wtffff are you letting me past and then I recognise the kid who's with 2 of his friends. WAS SO RANDOM but he was one of the super keen excited ones that asked me heaps of questions and stood up and sang Price Tag.

freaked out about who to invite to my birthday party so I'm just not going to invite anyone at all lmfao this is how i solve all my problems. I think I have an avoidant personality.

have given up on this ESU i don't know what the hell is going on. Also i forgot to mention but doctors use ESU's to cut through flesh during surgery and holy fk IT SMELLS SOOOOOOO BAD LIKE not like cooking meat but burning hair?? IDK its so weird and gross.
I don't think I did much engineering during work yesterday. I was super bored in the morning before lunch. I followed Thy around like a lil puppy cus I had nothing better to do.

he showed me some of the equipment in the hospital that my BMET never showed me SMH cus idk what he was doing like i didn't even know this shit was missing lightbulbs... i could've ordered them ages ago -.-------------- He also took me on one of his "rounds" where he checks up on all his patients. The hospital is lacking so many resources that some people won't receive surgery for ages because they need to wait on medical equipment donated by the Americans coming in a few weeks. Also so many people have broken bones but because they are understaffed, the patients have to wait days to get surgery. TIS FUCKED. also all the doctors get paid $5 USD for their night shift when they're on call. THATS ABSOLUTELY FUCKEDDDDDDDDDDD i was shook as hell and wanted to pay for lunch after i heard that but NO he didn't let me.
 Sat in a cyst removal surgery lol it was like the dr popper pimple shit where they cut the skin open and brown/white/yellow pus just pours out. They cyst was sooooooo big like they had to let it expel all the pus for at least 20 mins. Then they cleaned it and stuffed 5 cotton pads inside the wound then just taped it up. Some nightmare shit from grey's anatomy when they forget to take out all the cotton pads LMFAO. but I watched them count as they were putting them in SO HOPEFULLY they won't forget to take em all out. also they let me squirt the blood oxidating chemical into the wound literally had no idea what it did but it made all the blood foam up??/ idk
After work, I went to the cafe to chill and then went home, waited for a bit to get picked up for dinner. Dinner was lit as heckkkkkkkkkkkkk had bbq with Doctor Thy, Radiologist Maryneth and two new doctors I had met that day. I THINK IT CAME TO LIKE $50 USD ALL UP WHICH IS EXPENSIVE AS SHIT IN CAMBODIA but I insisted I pay but htey didn't fucken let me THESE BASTARDS. I HAVEN'T PAID FOR LUNCH/DINNER IN SO LONG. Had a few beers too  lol was just a good time


Ayeeeeeeee bae Rotana rocked up at work today in the morning to "help" me but we both equally useless so I took her around the hospital to show her what was broken and what I had fixed so maybe she could fix it if it broke again after I leave. AFter we got back I started working on a how to buy shit online guide for my BMETs cus they don't know!!!

^ haven't heard that song in so long and I think its making me really sad about leaving Cambodia :(

nonononoooooooooooooooo I'm three beers deep and I think I've been turned into a lightweight on this trip.

Rocked up to work super duper late like half an hour late but I have no supervisor so am I ever really late? Idk I have lost all motivation to go to work anymore since there is no Amy and there is BMET. LOL. I went to Ly Hout to grab a pastry for breakfast but there were no pastries so I had a big ass coffee on an empty stomach and I regretted it until 11 am cus was shaking

ALSO YEAH got off work at 11 am which is half an hour before the official lunch time?? but I was starving so yeeet. Had lunch at Ly Hout again and almost fell off my fucken bike getting there cus I was SO HUNGRY.

Then went to the cafe to do some WIESoc stuff (subcommittee opening is pushed back a few days) and then went home after the stress was over. Had a Youtube marathon and PHAT NAP then slept until 2:30 and rocked up 40 mins late to the hospital HAHAHAHAHH I literally had a 3.5 hour lunch today.

then worked furiously at my new spreadsheet for the BMET which is my secondary project. Its getting there!!
Idk wat he really needs in this spreadsheet so I gotta show him on Monday sighs.

Left work super late cus I was obsessed with getting the spreadsheet up to scratch but when I went down the stairs I was sad because I had seen this butterfly the whole day struggling to get through the window... and now it was dead. I even touched it to make sure. FUCK sad
 Then went home immediately, had another depression youtube spree and was offered by Rotana to jump in her car and go somewhere but I thought she was going to Phnom Penh but it was a mad misunderstanding cus she was just going down the street but lol

ANYWAY, had a litty dinner with my homestay. They bought takeaway soup from the famous soup place I went to the other day with the dentist. HAD 3 FKN BEERS, Rotana had 2 and Sithai had 1. We had good chats and they kept saying how I knew jrain khmer but amy only knew dtic dtic heheheh. I am gonna be so sad. Monday we'll go barbeque with homestay and Tuesday I'll say bye to the hospital staff. FUCK THIS IS SO DEPRESSING i don't wanna gohome :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
 Said goodnight to Juka and Bobo and am now back in my room

sighsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss i cant

what are people. like really, what are people?? I can't imagine going back to the people i know in sydney it is so strange like what

also this is my 607th post and over 4th year of doing this shitttttttttttt lol i will see if i can keep this up for the rest of my life i think i just jinxed it

um did ariana grande just release her album what the fuck


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