Wednesday 20 February 2019

Cambodiyeet: Jom Reap Lea

This will be my last post about Cambodia. Enjoy.

Last Day In Preah Vihear

So Wednesday was the last day I had in my province. I had drunk another like 7/8 beers the night before with some hospital staff and got driven home along with my homestay mum. It was a good time but kinda just wished I was hanging out with my homestay kids the whole time. 

(photos from from night before)
So yeah, hungover as hell I got woken up at 6 am on the last day to cut the cake that the homestay had bought me last night, but didn't have time to cut. miss these kids so much already lakjsdflakjsdfla;sgjalsdkf;adkfjghkfld;s
then headed to work for last time. finished off some of my forms and was freaking out about how much I had to do before tomorrow (like start the actually presentation lmfao). Then packed up and walked around the hospital with my BMET saying goodbye to everyone. twas only a little bit sad hahah. saddest was probs saying bye to doctor Makethy who let me watch all dem surgeries.
 and yah this was the last photo i took at the hospital like BYE BITCHESSSSSSS im outta there
Then I basically rushed on my bike back home so I could see the homestay kids for as long as possible before leaving. I packed up all my stuff from my room and it took 5eva cus everything required for living there for a month was strewn all over the place.

Then Juka told me she had a surprise for me and gave me this wooden carousel thing that would make music when you turned it. IT WAS SO SOSOOSS CUTE she was so proud of it and said she bought it, then her mum butted in and was like, "she buy it but she use my money" and I laughed.
Then after they handed me this carousel, Pia Sot disappears and reappears with a fkn wooden head in his hand tryna offer it to me and I thought it was a joke so was about to start laughing then Kaka goes, "its from us" and instantly I'm like oopsssss THANK YOUUUUUU. But yeah its in the photo below lmfao its literally a head carved from wood but apparently its the guy in charge of building angkor wat.
last photo with my beautiful homestay peoples I miss them a lot :( 

then said goodbye to some of them (not all) and waited in the house for my bus to come. Then the radiographer Maryneth calls me 30 mins before my bus like, "hello can u come to the cafe, the coffee shop dude wants to surprise you" and I'm like WTF I'll make it quick then

bike the 2 mins to Ly Hout and then I walk in and the dude brings out a cake S M H hahahahhaha LITERALLY WHY
 but i was so like touched idkkkkk Cambodians are just too kind they make me sad with how unhappy we are with our lives when they out there earning $180 USD a month and STILL shouting me food and cafe and beers fk dis
Then went back to homestay to finally say goodbye to Kaka but didn't get a chance to say by to Rotana, Juka or Bobo so was v sad on the bus ride to Phnom Penh :(((

Back in Ballsack Lane

Once I arrived in PP, I tuktuk'd to the hotel that all the EWH participants were staying at and was reunited with my THOTS, Tahnee, Viv and Yiyi!!! We went out to each pizza at Ballsack Lane with Alcuin, had a few drinks at Red bar, Party Patio and Zeppelin Bar then went back to hotel CUS I HAD TO FKN START WORK ON MY PRESENTATION THE DAY AFTER.

Presentation Day

stayed up till 5 in the morning doing my slides cus i put so many pictures. My presentation went ok, i think everyone was trying so hard to concentrate tho cus at that point we were sick of watching 20 min presentations essentially recounting a month's worth of experiences. so yes apparently mine was fkn long even though it didn't feel long but i was flexing so many of the people i met in preah vihear which people didn't give a fk about

We started at around 9 am and finished at 3 pm?? 6 hours of presentations literally wanted to neck myself. 
ran to central market with stephen to buy some last minute souvenirs

ANYWAY, moving onto the main event

Cruise Time

So to commemorate our last day in Cambodia, Jess and Will, our coordinators, organised a lil riverside sunset cruise for us :) 

everyone in the group except for 2 people showed up!! so like around 30 of us all on a boat just getting drunk as fk. IT WAS SO FUNNNNNN. I got to the level of drunk where I was dancing like a lot. I rmbr wanting to hakk. But yeah it was such a beautiful way to end the trip. 
 me n my egg head. i think i had like 6 beers AHAAHAHHA GOOD TIMES
 look how happy everyone looks :'( 
only actual picture I got of the sunrise hehe
 Rest of the night is a complete blurrrrrrrrrrrrr

I started talking to adam and bonded AND AHHHHHHH I love him so much he's such a cutie. we look like we could be cropped out of this photo and pasted into a rave LMFAO
 Tahnee kept being like, "You're welcome, I'm the one that brought you TOGETHER, I'm the one that made this happen" and Adam and I were just like THANKS TAHNEEEEEEEEEEEE.

we ended up at the lebanese place we went to a while ago and we ordered some more drinks and kebabs and my lamb kebab was the best fkn thing I've ever eaten in my life. I remember our coordinator jess was just oversharing so muchhhh
 then went to some other bar and idk what it was called but I think everyone started slowly sobering up EXCEPT FOR YIYI WHO PASSED OUT ON IVOR'S SHOULDER HELLO HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA

ye was sandwiched between Adam and Stephen whilst they talked about redback things. I was really enjoying it.
Then moved to Tahnee's table and tried to smoke on a broken cigarette lel. idk what we talked about but we were there for agesssssssssssssss then we all somehow made it back to our homestay :) what a night to not remember

Journey Home :( 

everyone was lowkey hungover from night before hahah. took the coach to the airport then had hjs and boarded our flight.
had burger king, jumped on the flight, had a 5 hour layover at Thailand. We went souvenir shopping, bought some overpriced pizza and then finally boarded the flight back to AUS
on the plane back, we saw a thunderstorm from above the clouds and it was sooooooooo cool like randomly a spot in the clouds would just light up and the light radiating outwards would be like trapped in the clouds???

Arrived back in AUS, declared my wooden fkn head and customs let me go through without checking my bag hehe 

Amy came to airport to meet us & pick up stephen HEHEHEH was v cute. missed dis binch
parents took sooooooooo long in the airport taking photos -.---------------

finally left, I went home and youtube a bit, talked to my cousin roxie, then went out to Cabramatta for lunch with my Grandma hehe. Had some pretty good Pho at this new(?) place opposite John Belvedere. The had dessert at Cafe Nho yum
Got a message from Lulu being like... so where are we eating dinner today and I'm like FUCK too tired to go no thanks but then she mentioned it would be the last time she'd see us all before Adelaide so um YA LETS GO

Ate at Madang!! Ordered quite a bit of alcohol but was v enjoyable.
 Left the restaurant quite tipsy then went to star bar to get more lit. I think we had two tequila shots and like a drink each?? WHAT WERE WE THINKING. oh ye saw Penny Ou was quite random

Just as I was about to enter red bottle, I had a peak up soju alley and saw Hasara from WIESoc sitting on the top and was like ???? wtf ??? and I'm so tipsy at this point I'm not even concentrating enough to see the people next to her when I suddenly hear, "SERENA?!??!?!" and I look next to Hasara and fucken NIINA and Angela are there as well.

almost cried HAHAHAHHAHA
LOVE THESE THOTS what a night
kept sculling fat lambs because for some reason after Cambodia I can suddenly drink everything again, first year Serena is bakkk
went to pee and what a Ohana x WIESoc crossover AHAHAHHA
then we went to sanct and I dun rmbr anything. Angela has a very incriminating video of our conversation. I also realise now that every blog post is me getting drunk um

later on I found out that I saw Harry Zhanga that night and said that to him that Adam was the biggest "***shit". lol I didn't even remember that I saw himmm so when I bumped into him at uni on Tuesday I was like OMG HARRY I met your friend Adam in Cambodia!!!! and he was like .... yeah i know you told me when I saw you on saturday..................

then I think I went home and ended up at liverpool AGAIN and had to take an uber home smh blew so much money in one day wtf??? also the shots in cambodia are so much bigger than the shots at home


woke up pree late, sis was home (yeah she moved out LMFAO) and ew took some CNY photos since i missed out in cambodia! fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun
went to the temple, went to eat at some pannda house in livo

also video called my homestay fam hehehe. Juka wants me to come back and I said I would soon :'( but yeah I asked them what they were doing today and they said, "we're cleaning your dirty room." HAHAHAHHA. Also I asked who was going to stay in it now that I was gone and Rotana was like, "Juka, Bobo, Grandma and me" and I was so shoooooook LIKE WTF I thought it was already too small for Cambo Amy and I how tf were they gonna fit 4 people in it?????

anyway ye, sad I wanna see them again


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