Tuesday 23 August 2016

Nobody likes a downer.

I don't want to reread over my old blog posts because I want what I said in them to be a surprise to my older self HAHAHA. 

Woke up hella early for my 9am BIOM1010 lecture which Phuc and Niina don't even go to anymore omg so tragic. It was about Ethics in Biomedical Engineering and ughghghghghgh it's not even something you need to learn its so self explanatory. Main points were ethics is based on your personal beliefs, if you do something unethical you usually can't go to jail for it it just means you're a shitty person, don't copy people's shit, don't release your product unless you've done trials etc. I tried to do my COMP lab5 (tic tac toe) during the lecture but I was getting so stuck ARRAYS ARE SO FUCKING CONFUSING I was getting nowhere -.- I gave up and started doing maths hw cus I have a calculus test tomorrow!! It's 90% 4U tho so I'll be fine. Nek minnit 9 will be devs. Yes I know that sounds dumb but its maths it not that hard to get 10.

Then had a break and guess where we went
I ordered the buttermilk pancakes. They weren't amazing. The Usual Cafe does it better. Feng said she was on a Whitehouse ban but after some peer pressure she got a chicken burger. Lulu and Joyce wanted to try something new so went for the beef burger. lmao thats a joke. Just chilled for a bit and went to library to attempt to do some more of my comp lab but got nowhere again ugh.

Went to comp lecture with Phuc he was online shopping and I as still working on my lab so really we shouldn't have gone. HAHAHA my lecturer makes 0 sense and most of the time I'm just too slow. 

went to lab and struggled like a bitch. sat next to this girl today and we were both clueless HAHAHA. tragic. My tutor tried to work out what was wrong for 10 mins and eventually he did then I tried a diff case and it stuffed up again so i gave up ADFVKJADKFJ. now I have an unfinished lab I have to do sometime in the next week fml. THERES THIS REALLY FUNNY GUY IN MY TUTE THO HAHAHA he was talking to his friends like "hmm I wonder if I can go if I've finished" and he was right across from me so I was like "yeh I think you can"

then he looked me dead in the eye and said, "I trust you."


 took train home with Lulu and Jessica and tried to do some maths. 

I finished Stranger Things yesterday. Look me literally less than 24 hours to finish it. I thought it was amazing and wow the child actors are so good. But I said in my previous post the CGI just kills it for me. 

did my lecturer jsut say Stannis? THE ONE TRUE KING??

Sending memes to my 4U kids this is the quality of my teaching. Right there. Their school crams their trials in 2 weeks so they had exams almost every day.

This was actually me during HSC when I had two exams consecutively.
OMG yesterday I was so mad at my mum because she didn't let me go with my cousins to celebrate Yuan's birthday... nek minnit she calls me back and is like you can go but THEY ALREADY LEFT so I was so pissed.

ok i should go study now. 


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