Sunday 7 August 2016

Sorry my life is so boring

Jeremy Jahns doing an impersonation of Enchantress is life
Didn't do much today. Just tutoring blah blah. I actually quite enjoy teaching my 9C class (more like I don't want to kill myself every time) but they are so animated. I taught them how to store answers in the calculator today and they were so amazed. Also gave them a challenge question and lol they tried so hard!

Went to lunch with fam at cabra and what do you know Lulu and Heidi come walking in like wtf. Heidi is so grown up now.

1:15am still have no finished work for the year 5s tomorrow. gOING TO WAKE UP EARLY TMR TO DO IT i am master of procrastination. UGH I NEED TO GO THROUGH SO MUCH CONTENT TOMORROW BUT LITERALLY FML some of them keep getting the area of the triangle wrong and im like wtf am i doing wrong I correct it in  class and I correct it in hw and they still aren't getting it send help. BLOODY TIMES IT BY 1/2.
idk what I am doing. I think I will make this a two day blog because nothin happened.

I watched the highlights of the opening ceremony with fam tonight just depressed because Murray and Rafa were flag bearers but the Feds was not there :'( honestly tennis is so boring without Federer -.- 

I've just realised how devastating it was that the fucking Olympics were in Sydney when I was too young to remember anything. IT WOULD'VE BEEN SO FUN IF I WAS A FUNCTIONING HUMAN BEING. Can you imagine being in the stadium and watching Cathy Freeman lighting the torch and errything omg what memories could've been made :( I'm sure my parents took photos and stuff but it aint the same if I can't remember anything. IT WON'T BE BACK IN SYDNEY PROBABLY BEFORE I'M DEAD so fml. 

Read up on the life of Michael Phelps and his admiration for Ian Thorpe.

Watched more Suicide Squad reviews and also the B-Roll footage for the movie. Filming a movie seems so awkward. 
Also I remember having really vivid dreams last night about depressing things but I don't remember. All I know is that I woke up this morning so unhappy HAHAHAHA

I should sleep. bye.


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