Friday 5 August 2016

almost trials


Uni - blah blah same same 

Went to MMAN tute - my tutors are ok. I don't like one of them tho. Went to maths tute. I have another fob honestly so many fobs but no hate shes really nice and quite good. Skipped lecture to hang with Joyce, Lianne and Feng. I got a HSP and now and even fatter. 

Then went to Kevin's house for some good ol tutoring. LOVE CHEM!! Watched Bachelor with Amy (ep was kinda boring it was Bindi's chair in the sky date meh) and also watched some eps from the American Bachelor Prince Farming season. Also I wanted to rewatch Sam Frost's season but Amy would not let me.

We also finished off making the Oreo Cheesecake that she and Stephen started in the daytime. It was pretty yummy except Amy put 4 times the amount of sugar in the icing. Good one.
Sleep sleep 


Went to uni and lol met up with FD who conveniently arrived at Central the same time we did. This photo of Richie is so heavily photoshopped wtf. 
HAD SQUAD TIMES!!! It was Feng, Joyce, Lianne, Amy, Stephen, FD and I. 7 THE PERFECT SQUAD NUMBER. 6 GIRLS AND 1 GUY BUT WHATEVER. 

Lined up for free smoothies.
We walked around and looked at Foundation Day stuff but FD had to go meet Victor and Amy, Feng and Stephen had class so the rest of us just tried to go on rides and win shit. Joyce and I went on the jumping castle but the guy was like you should take your socks off but you don't have to and both of us were like "nah ceebs"

nek minnit we get over the first hump of the jumping castle and theres a huge puddle so we ended up with really soggy socks it was nasty.

I won a token by grabbing a fucking duck out of the water with a stick. You're supposed to hand in 3 tokens to get a prize and it was really awks because I didn't know that so I handed my 1 token to the guy and he was like uh you need 3... but luckily my cousin was there and she saved me and gave me 2 of these giant sherbet sticks. 
Go get it girl
Then watched suicide squad (dodgy non-comprehensive review was in prev post)

Went home and basically did nothing the whole night.


Prepped for 4u class - omg so tragic I'm really worried for them for trials because they are still rusty on some of the basics and idk what to do its too close to trials to be this unprepared.

10:46 pm now need to mark homework and prep for tomorrow's morning classes this procrastination is really next level.

Tried to do the maple tute for first algebra tute and failed miserably. I got stuck on the first question rip. 


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