Saturday 13 August 2016

radio silence

there is too much to do rn (watch suicide squad interviews/mark hw) soz will blog later.

sorry will blog later but current feels - the suicide squad irl is such squad goals and also lol suits season 5 bloopers are so funny.

How incredible for Phelps to be beaten by a kid he inspired and took a photo with ages ago. Sad as well because no gold but 100m butterfly was always gonna be close.

Congrats to Nadal for winning doubles gold (but srsly will never like him because he has beaten Federer too many times). Hope some random person wins singles because FUCK MURRAY

sis keeps sending me pictures of food -.- shes at jeju island rn which is so exciting because thats where BOF filmed HAHAHA and also its just generally a gr8 place to go do touristy things at

I'm sorry there is too much to talk about


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