Friday 19 August 2016


Last minute decided to go to engo pubcrawl last night with Feng. Met Aditya who is very nice and indian. Feng that nong didn't bring her passport so she went back home to get it HAHAHHAAH

We went to Scary Canary first and it was so crowded and bleurgh. The free drink was a jar of their signature vodka + blue curacao + sprite thing that was nice but had so less alcohol in it. Mostly hung around SGHS people until Feng came back. Stephanie Chan is so bubbly like I've literally never met anyone as bubbly as her omg shes so funny.

Then Feng arrived and we went to Three Wise Monkeys but the organisation fucked up so we met up with Aditya and went on to Scruffys. We had to wait in line for so long and at this point we were not buzzed at all. Phuc handcuffed me to some random dude but I was so sober so I just undid them...

Eventually got into Scruffys, they were handing out these bourbon + red bull drinks. Nina/Brenda's group were so turnt omfg they had drinks and shit but they were so gone so I kinda drank the whole thing whenever they offered. 

Literally so sober at this point so Feng, Aditya and I went to Star Bar to have some cheap drinks. We bought jugs of Sangria/Mojito idk I had a lot and like I was feeling so sick + drunk at one point. But guess my terminator liver processed that shit so quickly I was back to feeling sober in like 20 minutes.

Went back to Scruffys and kinda hung around the outside for a bit. Feng said hi to lots of Sydney Boys HAHAHA. Then my dad called me and was like where the fuck are you I need to sleep soon. Then my mum took the phone and I was like "omg my friends are still partying" which was a big mistake because she started screaming at me "DID YOU FRIENDS SLEEPOVER AT AMY'S HOUSE YESTERDAY?!?!!?! DON'T COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHERS" blah blah you know how parents are.

So I went back home all sad :(

And that was my night last night. 


Woke up and didn't do anything. Now it is 9pm and I have 4 classes worth of homework to mark plus 2 tests to make plus 2 classes to prepare. HAHAHAH i love my life. 
feng humour


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