Saturday 20 August 2016

It's a beautiful day to save lives

One of my students got a nose bleed halfway through her test and I was full like:
Physical afflictions are so much easier to fix than emotional ones.
I am the worst at making people feel better. Like if you are crying I will literally freeze up and be like shit shit wtf do I do then go in for an awkward pat. If I'm feeling really adventurous, maybe drop an "oh that sucks :("

Literally wondering if tutors ever stalk students on fb because like we always stalk teachers and idk if they do the same.

One of my co-workers is so fit he does professional rock climbing and like goes on hikes by himself and stuff O_O whilst also juggling 8 classes???? goals

I came up with FD's cover photo caption I am amazing I know.

I slept 3 hours yesterday. Tried to nap today but could not. I'm going to wake up early tmr to mark and prep work this is like next level last minute :( so fuckin tired I have to sub for a class for 4 weeks soon ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

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