Tuesday 2 August 2016

Another Day at the White(people)house

Which face do you see more? Scientific studies show that if you see the angry face more, you are a psychopath.
Slept at 2 last night because I was doing COMP work lol I was so awake.

Woke up at 7 today for uni ughghghghgh. Had biomed lecture and walked in late. I hate walking in late everybody looking at u while u scramble to find a seat. Sat behind Rach F and Felicity :) Couldn't find Phuc because he didnt fucking wake up lol but nina was thereee

We walked down to the Alumni Lawn and donated dollar coin to MATSOC to get free BBQ. Saw the squad that I wasn't part of
and sat with Feng and Joyce da fam. We consumed our sausages (lol) and then went to the whitehouse for lunch. Feng pointed out that everyone was white. Feng had chicken burger, Joyce had beef burger and I had chicken schnitzel. Everything was yum.
Feng is so thug
Joyce took photos of us but she didn't take photos of herself so here is one.
Then went to comp lecture w/ Phuc and Whansae which was a struggle to keep up with because Sim (our lecturer) goes so bloody fast. 

Then went to comp tute which I made 0 friends in. It was so lol because we had to stand up and tell everyone our name and why we chose to do COMP1917. Finished the lab early because I'm pro like that. Joking I did it the night before.

This man was watching Breaking Dawn Part 1 on the train and I watched with him!! Jk i mostly just tried to unsuspiciously look over his shoulder. He was up to the Bella coming back to life as a vampire scene. 
I want to read Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. I think I will read it soon. But at the same time I have to watch my math lecture. decisions decisions. 


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