Friday 5 August 2016

Suicide Squad

Thoughts about Suicide Squad coming right up. If you are allergic to spoilers please read something else.

So I will start by saying I actually found the movie really entertaining but at the same time I can understand why its getting the bad reviews from critics. This is a good example:

1. Tragic Slipknot only in the movie for 5 minutes.
2. Deadshot was a badass
All the backstories seemed rushed except for Deadshot's one. He and Harley Quinn were the only two people I really cared about. I've been watching random interviews and apparently the director always said really crazy shit to the actors just before their scene so they would act better. In the scene where Deadshot gets the letters from his daughter, apparently the director told him to imagine someone chucked a foetus on the table? Also Will Smith is so cool.  THIS SCENE OMG SO BADASS.
2. Harley Quinn please have a solo movie
Like come on I would pay for that shit. I want to learn more about her backstory as the psychiatrist and her relo with the Joker and stufffffff. Stephen said in the comics they're not actually in love and its more like Joker manipulates her to do whatever he wants. but still cool. Some of her jokes fall flat but at the same time that's ok because she's so fucking weird so I feel like IRL everyone would just stand in silence awkwardly anyway... So happy for Margot Robbie like damn she's so famous now. I can imagine one of those videos that are like actors before they were famous: Donna from Neighbours.
3. Most fucked up OTP
4. Enchantress
I think everyone thought Cara was going to be part of the squad but apparently not and I feel like they could've done so much better with Enchantress as the villain. I could not take her stupid sidekick brother seriously he was just a random walking piece of metal whereas she was all swampy and shit. And omg when the costume change happened I just lost it.
 Not so much
And honestly WTF WAS WITH HER GYRATING DANCING AND SUMMONING THE TOGETHER THE RUBBISH IN THE SKY??!?! it reminded me of this scene in Avatar which was supposed to be really tense and emotional but ended up looking so dumb 
I think the awkwardness kind of boils down to Cara's not so great acting but also wtf was the director thinking?

5. So holey like cheese
There were so many plot holes and I was just generally confused throughout most of the movie. I had no idea why they needed to go to the top of the building, idk how the trash in the sky was going to destroy the world, idk why Cara twisted the head off the little doll like that (who does that), idk why Jared Leto had to laugh like that, idk anything the crocodile dude said. 

6. Squad dynamics
I wanted to see more interaction between the squad members. Like the bar scene was so good I wanted more of that instead of walking around shooting things. Even though that is good too. There was no sense of comradery between the members (besides maybe Harley and Deadshot). THEY COULD'VE DONE SO MUCH BETTER WITH THE ACTORS THEY HAD.

7. Jared Leto?
Not so ecstatic about Jared Leto's Joker. Everything seemed so forced and almost too try hard. He was so fucked up as well, apparently he stayed in character the whole time he was filming and he sent co-stars "gifts" including used condoms, rats, sex toys and one lucky person got cupcakes lmao.

i'M TIRE.D Its time for sleep. I realise after writing this that there were a lot of negatives HAHAHA.


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