Monday 4 February 2019

Cambodiyeet: Sex Education


Vivian reacting to Stephen reacting to my sick hakk


TODAY I am bored. Went to Ly Hout for breakfast, and now chilling in a cafe writing this TIME WASTING blog post. I'm having fun tho I miss putting effort into my blog posts and making gifs, as shit as they are. Need to do a bunch of WIESoc stuff and also go to the market to buy some spare parts.

Saw the same lady I hung out with yesterday at the cafe again HOW EMBARRASSING she must think I have no life. She's going back to visit her kids in her hometown :) Also the friendly guy who always jump scares me keeps saying hi to me in this cafe but he can't speak any English so our interaction is always, "hello!!!" and then, "hello!!"
stayed at the cafe for like 6 hours?? idk my ass was starting to hurt when I left HAHAHAHA. but that dude got someone to translate for us because he can't English and he said he was going to miss me. BRUH THIS GUY IS THE FUNNIES GUY EVER ya don't understand. he always always always waves to me and says hello

went home, continued to WIESoc then got a call form dentist inviting me to eat again but this time with another doctor, called Ti / Ty. EVERYTHING WAS SO FKN SPICY MY MOUTH WAS LEGIT BURNING OFF. Except for the chicken which was honey glazed hehhe. had chicken feet, whole frogs and papaya salad. Also had a bit of beer and iced cruiser thingo. twas good. Ty is very talkative and keen to share his medical knowledge with me in case I want to ever want to become a doctor one day XD. I mean I'm only 3 years behind my peers amirite.

IM GOING TO WATCH HIM DO SURGERY TOMORROW!!!!!!!!! i should probs sleep aye

Now back in my humble Amyless abode enjoying the fan on full blast.

I turned my cousin into a rave rat WTF YUAN?!??! full went to massif yesterday omfg

Sex Education

SOOOOOO I was bored this weekend in this town with no friends so I started watching Sex Education on Netflix and I just finished season 1 and I can't stop grinning LIKE A FOOL. Ok but I also want to cry??? If you haven't watched this show, you should probably stop reading BUT I'M TELLING YOU NOW TO WATCH IT OK
Asa Butterfield's real life character development ahhhh he has grown up so much like remember when he was in Merlin, Boy In the Striped Pyjamas and Hugo :O Always such a fkn cutie. Also I feel like he is never acting because all the characters he plays are himself. WHAT A CUTIE
All the characters are just so well developed SIGHS I miss them all already
Idk what to say about this show, like all the characters were so real and their struggles were so real and it was so FRIKKEN FUNNY AS WELL AHHHHh I'm dead JE SUIS MORT. I love how confident Otis is with his masculinity and u g h he's just so supportive everyone needs a friend like him. Also I can't recall seeing such a strong friendship portrayed between a gay person and a straight person of the same gender? Its always like a girl and her gay boy best friend. LIKE FUCK Otis and Eric are just such good platonic friends it makes me happy.
and when Eric reconciled his religion and sexuality/identity like w o w I don't understand that at all but was cool and felt for him. OH MY GOD and his relationship with his father is so loving IMA CRY
I LOVE MAEVE AS WELL she's like a more funky looking Margot Robbie. I think her bristly personality was kind of forgotten about throughout the season. She started off legit the biggest bitch and treated everyone kinda rudely but suddenly at the end she was all nice n hurt IDK she's stronger than that methinks and i feel like the writers reverted her back to more of the sad girl stereotype. Also what a girl with the dragon tattoo ending, goes to return jacket but turns out he's with another girl laterz
not a fan of Ola she's too dominating. . . . . . . . . like she gets what she wants a lil too easily. But yeet she is also challenging traditional standards of feminine beauty so I guess go off??
ALSO THERES SO MUCH DIVERSITY IN THIS SHOW HAHAHAHA like JESUS. HOWEVER there is only one manic Asian who had like 5 mins of screen time hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ITS OK still progress. also no shock or surprise when the parents of scholar sportsman were revealed and they didn't make a big deal of it. ALSO the blond mum is the shame lady from game of thrones ?!?!?!?!??!?!
but yeah coming from the typical stoic asian family background, having open and supportive parents like Otis' mum is just highly unrelatable LMFAO

ANYWAY should stop talking about this show and do some wiesoc stuff -.----


WIESoc Things


I just made a cover photo for Subcommittee Recruitment and like when I sent it off to Mirette and Vivian I was ready to be HYPERSENSITIVE meanwhile when my directors send me stuff its so easy for me to be like "nah CHANGE THIS, CHANGE THAT, ETC"

Idk I think I forget how much effort goes into this stuff. 


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