Sunday 3 February 2019

Cambodiyeet: FOMO


So the sad story goes like this. My homestay wanted to take me to Preah Vihear temple this weekend but then the plans fell through because the mum had to go to Phnom Penh. But before that, I already told our Cambodia Crew that I couldn't go to Mondulkirri so like all the plans were already made :( Plus I would've had to miss a whole day of work if I wanted to join anyway which is a bit dog to the hospital and EWH (not like I fkn did anything the whole day anyway).

So Friday, went to the hospital and worked on gluing the last dental thing back together. Cambo Amy was next to me for a solid hour huffing and puffing cus her throat hurt SOOOOOOOooOoOOoOo much just to breathe so I told her to go home cus she was literally a waste of air at that point. So she huffed and puffed her way home. 

took the dental thing down to fix the chair once and for all but then I realised it was missing an o-ring HAHAHAHHAHA so told the dentist i'd be back later. 

Bicycled to market to find the o-ring and some other spare parts but no one had them so I guess I'm fked. 10/10. Asked Jess our coordinator if she could grab them before she came to Preah Vihear.

Then hung out with Juka the lil English speaking homestay girl and said bye bye to my two english speaking homestay mums as they both left for Phnom Penh. Went to lunch with Amy at Lyhout heheh.

Then BACK TO WORRRRRK. Took apart the oxygen concentrator AGAIN to try and figure out what the problem was. Almost had a hallelujah moment when I tested for continuity across the solenoids and it didn't beep meaning that it was broken but when I checked for resistance, it wasn't infinite SIGHS meaning that it was actually continuous. 
Took apart the solenoid anyway for shits and gigs. WAS BORED and had time to kill ok.
Then went home, showered and chilled at home. Was talking to Niina then got a call from the deputy director of the hospital inviting me to a party at the Provincial Health Department. Was like yeet sure but then he asked me to ask Cambo Amy too and like I fkn knew she was gonna say no so I opened the door (she was talking to her boyfriend again) and I was like, "there's a party tonight and they want to ask if you wanna come" and she shook her head and I just closed the door. CEEBS WASTING WORDS ON HER AT THIS POINT like why the fk u come to a foreign country just to lock yourself indoors!??!?!?!
went to see all the people I went to the Koh Kong trip with HAHAHA. Super friendly as always to a foreigner like moiii they made me drink a lot but I suddenly got hit with a shitty headache so I stopped after 4 beers.
was feeling super tired and out of it but ended up being one of the last to leave because was waiting for my ride. danced a lot!! I have the traditional Khmer dance style down to a t


woke up so so so late because my head was throbbing until 11 am. hauled maself outta bed and was determined to try something new without dying Cambo Amy to accommodate for. She left for Siem Reap this morning to check out her throat.

Hopped on the bicycle and went to Green House Restaurant. Ordered and then suddenly this English speaking lady radiologist from the hospital who was at the party last night plonked herself across from me HAHAHA. She was so friendly and was telling me about how she was also alone in the town because her fam lives in her home province.

Then she got a call from the people at the Provincial Health Department saying they were kicking on and when she flipped the camera to me they were like TELL SERENA TO COME TOO!!!! hahaha so fkn hell biked to Provincial Health Department on a full stomach to have more beers with the same people from last night.
the radiologist was on call at the hospital so we went back to check on some patients but she was 2 beers in so idk was a bit dodge HAHHA
I was feeling hella tired so we went to Ly Hout coffee to relaxxxxx. We sat there for a long time idk just talking and sharing things about our family. She was so so so so kind. also she only gets paid $350 USD a month like what the fk
the whole day there were burning leaves falling

then went home and watched Sex Education on Netflix for so long. I HAVE NEVER BEEN HAPPIER JUST NOT DOING ANYTHING HAHAHA. This is whats going to happen when I get back to Sydney omfg I'm going to revert to my slug ways. 

had dinner with this lil dude's dad at home. 
feels bad just got a call from the Cambodia Crew at Mondulkirri eating pizza and getting lit and was v sad :( but also heart was warmed because they said they missed me


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