Tuesday 12 February 2019

Cambodiyeet: I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE


My body was like 100% ready for another day chilling at the coffee shop but NO was woken up at fkn 9 am with some loud knocks at my door, open it and Juka is smiling at me with her big ass eyes and I'm like ???? Then her mum Rotana pops out of nowhere and is like I have free time today, we go somewhere. I WAS SO KEEEEN. 

Sopheakmit Waterfalls!! Got picked up by Mr Noeun so heheh it was a trip with my BMETs. I WAS SO UNBELIEVABLY HAPPY THE WHOLE DAY FML

We stopped at a random restaurant on the Cambodia-Laos border and we just had a snack then we boarded a random ferry?? 
look at the happiness in my face I'm gonna miss this all so much :(
I literally had no idea what was coming up next lol cus they never told me their plans. I thought we were having a chill fam day with just us 4 nek minnit....we arrive at a random river park where some of the co-workers from the provincial health department are just madly waving at us like WHAT THE FK. 
tried beerlao and it was soooooooooooo good omg. if you can see the old lady in the back of the picture above, gives you an idea of how deep the water was. I rolled my pants all the way up so I wouldn't get wet but then I got super happy and super drunk and Juka was asking me to swim in the water with her so I was just like y o l o and got everything soaked up to my neck hehehe. yeah its weird they didn't tell me we were swimming because cambodians just wear their normal clothes into the water.... this girl literally had a BIG PUFFY JACKET ON in the water what?????????
Had about 4 beers then BMETs said we had to leave to see the waterfall. Was sad because I wanted to swim more but w/e soon forgot about that haha

Arrived at the Sopheakmit waterfalls and omggggggggggggggg photos cannot justify how beautiful they were. I wish I wasn't drunk during the visit fml BUT IT WAS SOSOSOSO NICE. Also there were very few tourists cus its such a secluded area (and also no one visits Preah Vihear)
 bro I could literally be a part of this family look at that skin colour match
this is a terrible photo. Also i tripped over a rock cus I have very little coordination and the brown dirt stain on my sister's purple elephant pants won't wash out.
Then we saw a random buddha??? not important
went home, then went to a random wedding. I don't know but there were like 500 people invited. I had a mad headache probs from dehydration from drinking in the arvo. But it was an ~experience. Sat with all the PHD people and idk I was literally dressed like a fkn hobo compared to everyone else. MY HOMESTAY MUM LOOKED SO PRETTYYYYYYYYY and I was in my red elephant pants, hair in a nasty af bun IDK LMFAO. 


one of my last breakfasts at Ly Hout my favourite institution. bumped into a random worker from PHD. 
had work in da morning, closed up all the machines and did some paperwork. sorted my BMET's toolkits and fuses
 I know it still looks messy... but he likes it like that I promise.
then had lunch with Daddy Doctor Thy at Ly Hout cafe. Got some lok lak :) fkn gonna miss the people who work at this cafe so much. Then he took me on a mini tour around the city and ye idk we ended up at a random weaving place where disabled people work
Then he drove me back to the hospital, got on my bike and biked home. Waited for him to come pick me uppppppppp. My two bmets also came heheh Mr Neoun and Rotana. ROUND 2 BMET BONDING XD

vroom vroom on the road to Koh Ker temple. Its one of the two famous temples in Preah Vihear Province. The most famous one is Preah Vihear Temple but we didn't have time to go :(((((((

We stopped at some of the temples on the way to Koh Ker and took the worst fkn photos holy shiets
look how awkward???
but lol cambodians really know how to photoshoot look at this
 Then we made it to Koh Ker!!! Was baited cus its dry season rn so everything is brown but apparently in wet seasons everything is super lush and green :(
Steps up to the top were actually not that hard to climb lol
yasss then everyone was getting a lil exhausted so we went back to Preah Vihear :) 

Had dinner at the same delicious honey chicken place and drank 4 cans AGAIN omg. This radiographer lady Maryneth always drinks a lot with me and then says I'm strong HAHAHA.
But yeah when I got back to homestay I was super sad cus that night was the last night to hang with them properly but they full bought a shitload of beer, heaps and heaps of snacks and a whole chicken. Kaka was back from Phnom Penh too so legit everyone in the fam was there to have one last feast with me AND I WAS SOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY and so sad at the same time. One of the dads, Sithai, hadn't drank in a really long time cus of his liver but he said he'd drink one can for me and I was so touched.

then everyone got quite drunk and they said that next time I come to Preah Vihear I can just call them and they will let me stay for free because I am so friendly hHAHHAHHAHA  FK so fkn cheesy but I'm literally gonna miss them so much. We also bitched about Cambo Amy XD. Then everyone had to tuck their kids into bed but Kaka, Rotana and I were the last three standing. I drank probs another 4 cans and was so so so sror verng but happy.
went to sleep very drunk HAHAHHA


woke up still drunk, had to haul my ass to breakfast and to work but was v dehydrated like my pee was orange.

was very very busy showing my BMET how to use the new inventory system and filling out more forms online etc until lunch

went to eat lunch at the hospital cafeteria with my BMET and his fam who knew 0 english so it was highkey awkward HAHAHA. Then went with him to drop his kids to school then visited his house which was alsmot complete. IT WAS SO TINY but like it was hella nice. Idkkkk how 5 people gonna live there but they'll make do I guess.

then went to cafe, freaked out about all the shit I still have to do and then went back to the hospital. HAD SUCH A PRODUCTIVE TIME!!! 
I FIXED A FKN LAMP cus it was an easy wiring problem. lmfaoooo i was so happy it was the easiest and most immediate thing i had fixed thus far. then we went around with the oxygen sensor testing the oxygen concentration levels of the concentrators... they were all SHIT

now back in the coffee shop

ahahah just got my drink paid for by some random koreans cus I talked to them what the fkkkkkkkkkkk I LOVE CAMBODIA SO MUCHHHHH im gonna be sad :(  me thinks I should live here forever


anyone else craving some intimacy tonight
i feel like she just released sweetener?
but yo ima just write my initial thoughts anyway

bitch "can you imagine?"
i imagine every day
imagination will never become reality

i can be needy, tell me how good it feels to be needed
why does she need someone to tell her... she knows
i love this song

this is such a bop
 i feel like nasa is confused, she needs space so she needs nasa
fuck she's such a good songwriter
you're a kepler

genius lyrics really making clear the ouch-ness of this song
not a fan of this one

fake smile
no, you don't have to wear your best fake smile
wonder what it feels to feel like this
nothin much to say

bad idea
singers expose themselves so much?????????
like yikes if i knew ariana personally this would be too much
or maybe im just judging

make up
sounds familiar
AHAHAHHAHAHAHAH this line "highlight of my life, just like that Fenty Beauty kit"
her chorus' are so basic why

boo, casper, the people under the mountain from lord of the rings
fkn ariana you thot why u playing with his emotions like this
omfg this makes me so mad
i wonder who this mystery man is

in my head
dis is sad lol
tryna fix people
that don't wanna be fixed

break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored
im being fed
gonna be fkn fried for dinner
sach trey af


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