Monday 1 May 2017


Going to spend a wholesome night blogging and going on tumblr instead of replying to fb messages I should've replied to a week ago. 

When someone tells me im appreciated 


Skipped MMAN tute in the morning (lost a mark rip), went out to the city to find a drass for VSA then went to TAFE. We spent 4 hours filing and hacksawing metal my fucking arm was about to fall off.

Went over to Amy's house and I hadn't been over in 4 or 5 days so when Amy and Kevin picked me up from the station, they greeted me with welcome home signs and blasted "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran so loudly. Stephen also filmed it (he pretended he needed my phone to check his email what a snake) ~~~ here are some gifs
we stayed up till 2:30 making Tasty deep fried macaroni balls that were kinda tasty. (looked shit tho)


Woke up too early to go shopping for another dress cus the first one was too exp... found one at City Beach but it was too obvious that my stomach was exploding so I decided to wear my original one :/
Also we went to priceline to get foundation and we waited around for ages for someone to help us but the comestician was being hogged by this asian lady that was literally buying the whole store so we just eyeballed it and it worked out ok??

Amy did my hair and makeup cus im incapable. She had such a good time and I was just happy sitting back and doing nothing. SHE'S SUCH A PROUD MOTHER OMG
 anus drove us to the west and we stopped by HJs on the way for a wholesome meal. I got a bbq cheeseburger and shared their stunner deals.
Went home, chucked the dress on, couldn't find heels so wore these random ones I forgot I had HAHAHA and then was forced by my mum to have a photoshoot fml. Here are the absolute best photos in my humble opinion. 
Cousin's dad drove us to Canley and I was feeling so awkward for the longest time until I got kinda drunk and then everything was ok again. 
Yeah the third wheel
Liz and I just kept chugging beer cus there was nothing else to drink.  fucking need the hard stuff smh @ my own body why does it take so much to get u drunk. Went home kinda tipsy and sent this hoe filter snap HAHAHAA i will not post here cus I hate people who post hoe filter photos (@Stephen) but damn.

Stayed up till 3am marking then gave up.


Woke up at 7:30am to keep marking, finished at 8:30am then went to sleep. WAs supposed to set alarm for 9:15am but set it at 8:15 (which had already passed) so LONG STORY SHORT I WAS HALF AN HOUR LATE TO MY OWN CLASS. 

My boss had to call my mum to wake me up omfg. My class started at 9:50 and I was woken up by my mum at 10 FUCK never been so stressed in my life. 

I told my boss to tell them to do the revision on the back of their hw while they waited lmao.

I ran into my class and was like "sorry I'm late get out your homework" and no one said anything sO..................... but fuck I can't tell them off for being late anymore

Finished class, went home, did nothing for a very long time. Like I don't even remember what I did yesterday... played guitar?? 

THIS IS SO CUTE (thought this was dakota but apparently its elle lmao)


Played guitar and caught up on math lectures! Picked up Amy from Church! Did more nothing! Tutored Kevin! Overwhipped the cream for the Royal Caribbean key lime pie (I HAD ONE JOB)! Finished Riverdale episode 1! Which is complete trash btw! Got my hair crimped with a flat iron! Coughed up 1 L of flem! Shed 1 L of tears! 
wow had a wholesome sleep last night now I can't sleep cus I'm too refreshed...I can't live like this its 4:30 am ??? Sick for like 3 days now can this be over already I'm coughing like a pack a day smoker. I feel kinda productive doing nothing though.


Personal Shopper (2016)

Dir. Olivier Assayas

Yah not goonna lie this was very weird but I was kinda expecting it because I read David Ehrlich's review before I watched it (WHICH IS A VERY VERY GOOD READ IF U HAVE LIKE 10 MINS READ IT THERES NO SPOILERS: How Kristen Stewart and Olivier Assayas Bring the Dead Back to Life in 'Personal Shopper')

But for some reason I was expecting it to be a kinda quiet drama film with a little supernatural element but nah its a straight up THRILLER complete with a stalker subplot. 

Main premise is that Kristen Stewart is staying in Paris working as a personal shopper because she's waiting for her dead twin brother's spirit to contact her.  

I was very very intrigued by this movie like idk what else to say about it besides that its completely weird and original. I feel like Kristen Stewart's real life awkwardness really really really showed in this movie lmao like so much stuttering and face touching but that's what makes it real I guess.

Ending was a bit troll. Lots of unanswered questions. Best representation of what real life texting is on an iPhone complete with the Read at 10:17 pm and normal font size. 

I haven't had a personal experience with grief so maybe I will revisit this someday. 

It was good tho go watch it. 

Lovesong (2016)

Dir. So Yong Kim
rekt (2017)

sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad 

vvvvvv good film don't know why its so under the radar 

so fucking real i could hold it UGH

leave a message after the tone because I'M DEAD


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