Monday 8 May 2017

Little Cruised People

So I was sorting through my Google Drive and I realised some of the photos we took on the cruise would probably never see the light of day because I can't be fucked to finish off my "Little Cruised People" series. So I'm just going to dump them here!!
Andrew and I were trying to take prom/pregnancy photos
this sTuNnInG island
more black children
free room service 
double chinning double winning
3 chinks, 2 viets and 1 korean
h for harambe
sunset porn
orangina (heard so much about this in French class we had to get it)
searching for Karim and David
the yellow men
had 2 hours of sleep after taking a quarter of the absolut bottle WAS STILL DRUNK GETTING OF THAT DAMN BOAT


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