Wednesday 17 May 2017


My sister used to listen to The Civil Wars all the time when I was in year 8/9 maybe and I used to think it was so weird but now I love it

Hey y'alls just checking in whats the current status of things? "I can't make friends." - Serena 2015, Serena 2016, Serena 2017 ........... Serena 2*the year I die* you probably don't know that feel when you're having a good convo with someone and then other people come and then you just retract like the munted turtle you are back into your shell hoping a plastic bag will come along and asphyxiate you. I think I would be one of those people totally comfortable with being a homewrecker....

Its ok though I have a little group of people who probably don't hate me. oh and I have tumblr. There is always tumblr.

So today, Amy and Stephen both abandoned me and since they're the only 2 people I hang out with at uni I went to Hilmer by myself, sat on the couch and started watching a movie. Then 17 minutes in, I see Phuc and Elizabeth so finally I don't look like a complete loner!! And then I chilled with them from 2-5 and Selina Zhong and William Wang came as well YEAH um it was a lil weird + TANIA as well it was just a huge party. Selina came to sit next to me cus she needed some help with her management assignment 
Then Phuc went to buy some food and milk tea for us and it was 4:30 and none of us wanted to study soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo we went to Greenhouse FOR HAPPY HOUR!!!! $5 for a mixed drink... not bad at all. Liz and I had 4 drinks each even though we tried to go for 9 lol but all the diff types of alcohol made us feel v unwell. We just drank and talked with Selina it was honestly so weird and spontaneous. Liz asked me if I was lonely and I was like no I've got my friend and her boyfriend 
Then walked up to VSA meeting with a couple of the other people drinking at greenhouse and I spent half the meeting really really really needing to pee and also feeling slightly tipsy. Phuc dropped us home. I'M PAIRED UP WITH SELINA LE KHAC TO PROJECT HEAD OUR OWN EVENT IN SEM 2 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I WONDER WHY THE EXECS PUT ME WITH HER?? PROBS BECAUSE SHE'S THE ONLY PERSON I BANTER WIT im so awkward why




Tree Of Life (2011)

Dir. Terrence Malick

17 minutes in I now understand why people walk out of Terrence Malick films. There is literally no plot just voiceovers and long handheld shots of people doing absolutely nothing idk. THIS IS WAY TOO FUCKING DEEP. Lowkey regret buying Song to Song tickets now??? HAHHA OH WELL. I'll try to finish this movie and get back to you.

update: I have not finished it

The Girl in the Spider's Web

I haven't watched The Crown so I have no opinion of this Claire Foy but I know for a fact she's got nothing on Miss Patricialicious Rooney Mara herself so................
david fincher is an executive producer... um what the fuck m8

reading all these "no one is better than rooney mara" and "what happened to rooney mara" and "wtf bye" tweets are giving me life.
Me when The Girl in the Spider's Web is a pile of shit and bombs at the box office and Fede Alvarez isn't allowed to make movies anymore

tbh I'm kinda over it???? I can just rewatch tgwtdt


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