Monday 8 May 2017

Athiest Tries Church For the First Time

Amy and I made lychee & coconut panna cottas yesterday with some zesty lime granita. I liked it even though the flavours were a little werid. More lychee and less coconut would've been nicer. We have stopped videoing our cooking adventures because we keep forgetting :(

Drove her to work at Bankstown and stayed in her parent's shop to "study" but literally ate my pork roll and scrolled through tumblr. Then tutored Kevin for a bit and chauffeured him and his friend to bball. Drove home, dropped off the car, took a quick shower then trained to Bankstown again. I was too preoccupied on my phone and missed Bankstown so Amy had to come drive me from Punchbowl.
Went to this Viet hairdresser but neither of us could speak viet so we just left. dicked around Bankstown for a bit and bought so much Hot Star (i love it) then went to Church with Kevin and Amy.

Athiest Tries Church For the First Time

Church is nothing like I thought it would be. I always imagined it as being dead silent with lots of monotonous praying and the priest just reading sections of the bible. Did not expect that much singing and so much disturbance from screaming children. 

"Who here has heard the voice of Jesus?"
"You can be the Shepherd to others who need guidance."
when people started popping white circley things into their mouths
"Shake hands with those around you to spread peace."
Yeah lol there was a cute part where we had to shake everyone's hand to give them good luck or something I forgot. Would hate it if I had to go as a kid EVERY SUNDAY but otherwise it's not too bad. Everyone looked v tired.

this is my religion


I kinda like hanging out with wie cus everyone is so nice and its a completely diff vibe to VSA like its more chummy and less ratchet LMAOOOO which is a good and bad thing. Good because everyone is talking to everyone else more and I feel like I actually got to know people better. Bad because they are all conservative af and won't FUCKING DRINK. There were 13 people there...and we had 4 soju bottles in total. WHAT THE FUCK??? VSA could've smashed at least 25 no problem. Anyway people kept telling me to drink cus I seemed keen but there wasn't enough alcohol so what's the point? When are WIE gonna actually turn up?!?!? You know why...its cus they are all really hardworking people with 1000 internships and job prospects for days.

So then we had sober karaoke which surprisingly wasn't that bad. Sang many many classic karaoke songs and I had a good though VERY VERY SOBER time.

I met this guy called... "Guy" and he was sooooooooooooooooo kind like I sat next to him at dinner and felt very little awkwardness. New things happen everyday! Met Rebecca our VP and also took the train home with the PREZ Grace. Was highkey not ok thinking about the potential awkward convo on the train because I cannot hold a conversation but GUESS WHAT I don't hate myself tonight
inevitably me to me when my next social interaction goes horribly wrong
prez grace is actually v v v nice.

2 Reasons to Scream

hit 700 followers on Tumblr today
tgwtdt limited edition razor blade poster.....FACING THE WALL


White Chicks (2004)

Dir. Keenen Ivory Wayans

WHAT WAS THIS MOVIE IT WAS SO DUMB BUT ALSO PRETTY FUNNY. Yes this is my first time seeing it I'm uncultured af I know. 

I was so tired so I don't really know what was going on plotwise and I kept falling asleep...but fuck a few random things made me laugh like:


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