Had a good time at rice paper rolls event today with VSA. served so many people that usually don't come like Feng, Stephen, Amy and Jen who I had not seen in foreverrrrrrrrrrr. I was too busy doing shit that I forgot about my social awkwardness for a bit.Basically stayed there from 11-3 then went to Ainsworth computer labs to study for my Solidworks test tomorrow which I'm less worried about now after I made the part they had for today's exam in like half an hour. So not TOO worried. Here's all the shit I made. I know a lot of this is so basic but I'm such a noob that this is an achievement for me.
Accepted a new homework help class!! Its pretty good pay for zero prep so I'm so up for it lmao.
Amy said I'm going through an angsty phase wow I 100% disagree because this isn't a phase I'm going to be angsty forever.
Then had my maths test which was exactly the same as the three practice ones online lmao and I checked it twice so it should be ok. omg also I SAW MY MATH LECTURER IN THE FLESH FOR THE FIRST TIME I FELT LIKE I WAS SEEING SOMEONE FAMOUS BECAUSE I HAD ONLY SEEN IN ON MY COMPUTER SCREEN LMAO HE'S SO KIND HE WENT AROUND AND GREETED EACH OF US
Time to chill before another wave of shit is due. Five kids behind me on the train each have fidget spinners...this is such a fad.
Fifty Shades Darker (2017)
Dir. James Foley
It was 12:30 am and I was just starting to study for maths but maths is v mindless so I figured I should watch a matching mindless movie to be even more productive.
No regrets lmao it was so so so so bad that it was funny. Nothing made sense. There was no story there was no character development. In every frame Dakota Johnson looks like she's regretting her life decisions.
It was filmed nicely as well like I think the cinematographer did a good job. Also James Foley directed the episode of House of Cards that I literally watched earlier that day.
Amy and Eugene watched this drunk lmao that's what I should've done.
Sydney Film Festival (2017)
The SFF is on during exams!! Which is good because I'll be less tempted to spend a shitload of money on movies LOL. There's a student bundle for $72 to get 6 tickets but I thought there weren't going to be that many movies NEK MINNIT everything that film twitter has been going on about is literally showing including CMBYN. Considering pulling an Anna and just going to watch all of these by myself.
- The Beguiled
- Call Me By Your Name
- Lady Macbeth
- Okja
- On Body and Soul
Have a guess... what do you think I bought tickets to?
Una (2016)
Dir. Benedict Andrews
9 June - State Theatre
This is in competition!!
A Ghost Story (2017)
Dir. David Lowery
13 June - State Theatre
Song to Song (2017)
Dir. Terrence Malick
17 June - George Street Event Cinemas
Belly kisses
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