Wednesday 24 May 2017



Guys I want to fucking die its like 24 hours before my pitch and I'm already getting that sick feeling in my stomach. YO I SWEAR TO IM NOT GNA ABLE TO SLEEP BECAUSE OF THIS SHIT FUCKing WHY. should I just be like Joyce and take a shot beforehand.
Is there an occupation where I just don't have to do...anything?

I've seen these interviews once or twice and by once or twice I mean maybe a couple a hundred times

Doing FD's assignment because better than scrolling tumblr


Phuc picked my cousin and I up from our townhouse to go to Cabra and pick up the sugar cane juice for our VSA event. Legit authentic, fresh af juice from one of the two stores on that bendy road in Cabra and it was pretty cheap as well?? They filled a huge dispensing bottle for us and froze a few cups so that we could mix them both together to get it really cold. We also bought 4 pork rolls for a wholesome breakfast.

Phuc drove us to uni (no near death experiences this time) then just set up with Amy and Selina. Everything ran really smoothly today cus it was such a simple event. Barely any execs were present so like we felt no pressure to stick to the roster and everyone except Joanne was ceebs promoing HAHAHA. This girl's confidence like can I get summa that

Lmao so I had to represent WIEsoc at the Engsoc pitch fair because I STUPIDLY VOLUNTEERED FML. I met up with Guy an hour beforehand to practice our pitch where we had to explain what WIE was in 3 minutes and also convince these industry reps to give us more money. 

I HAD NOT MEMORISED MY PARTS and I tried to during VSA event but nah it was just not going into my head but he hadn't really memorised his fully either so it all g. Wow my VSA and WIEsoc shirts look identical if you don't really look closely lmao.

Aileen our Treasurer and Guy our ... idk what his title actually is. 

So yeah I was like really nervous beforehand but once I got up there I wasn't nervous anymore?? I think I don't have a fear of public speaking its just the thought of it scares me.  Lmao I was standing so awkwardly on the side when Guy was saying his stuff like what am I supposed to do?!!
Met Amy at this cafe near central where we just camped online to buy Ed Sheeran tickets. It ended up going super well and we got 6 tickets front standing. Now we have to sell the old ones we got before.... 

Went to Amy's house and we baked these sweet strawberry macarons... mixed feelins about them.

Have an elec Lab test tmr I haven't studied for yes cool 10 / 10


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