Saturday 17 August 2019


Illenium's new album is out can I get a meow meow

Thursday Night

After uni, met up with Selz and Cam and went to Hungry Jacks at Town Hall. Had good chats with them before Cam left and we went to Old School Ka-fey to try their bingsu for the first time. Hadn't hung out with Khang and Alan for a long time and usually when I'm around them I turn into a super shy bean for some reason but then that day I felt so comfortable and like idk laughed a lot and wanted to stay for longer. Missed imprompu hangs with VSA because everyone is so busy now :(

Old School Ka-fey's famous thai milk tea bingsu is legit to die for ITS SO FKN GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD. Like the ice is so flavourful and they have lil jellies and cornflakes at the bottom uwu
Then walked with Selz to her bus stop and waited with her before she left :'( Met Diana after work and we trained home together. 


love my 6 am wakeups and car rides at ungodly hours with MAMMA DALZZZZZ. We talk about sad shit, happy shit, funny shit, sadboi shit... men-aint shit. She showed me her tumblr from high school and I was crying laughing. I packed her some fruit in a brown paper bag and labelled it mumma dalz to thank her for her petrol

Had to work 8 hour for the engineering faculty being an usher/helper for the Engineering Education Showcase. Basically all the engineering lecturers packed in one building learning from each other about how to teach better. I was with this guy called Jackie for the whole day and got to know him pretty well lmfao. We had so much fun together cus we have a lot in common, most notably the fact we both will probably get disowned by our families if they ever knew the truth
love that for us x

Anywho, we were pretty busy for the first hour helping set up and shit but after that we legit did NOTHING. Just sat at the reception table drawing, talking about life and mucking around. 
Such fun company for what could've been an incredibly boring day. At the end, we wanted to takeaway some of the catering food because there was so much leftover but all the staff were still hanging around so we had to take turns smuggling food out... so thrilling.

Took all the stuff back to the engineering faculty and then delivered food + notebooks to Niina, Yiyi, Vivian and Stephen who were studying in Ainsworth level 5. The brie + onion + bread thing was so good, so was the donut and the choc covered strawberry holy shmoly.

then took PT back to Carramar to get ready for hotpot with cousins and plus ones. The purpose of the dinner was to catch up cus we hadn't eaten together in a long while and also so we could meet cousin Amy's new boy hehehe. His name was Marcus and he was a lil quiet, a lil shy and didn't talk much. plays tennis doe xD

Thought I would intro Diana to them at the same time so all the attention wouldn't be solely focused on her and like obviously Amy and Nancy know but the others... idk. Yuan seemed pretty clueless and kept asking us where we met and I wasn't about to expose maself like that. BUT HE KEPT ASKING and realising that Diana didn't go to my uni and studied a completely diff thing to me and I only met her 3 weeks ago... he was like, "I'm getting weird vibes - for reals where did you meet".  Tian I think has an inkling, and my sister would be a complete dumbass if she didn't piece it together. 

ANYWHO it was really nice and really chill. Kenny + Nancy were so nice and keeping the convo up with us hehehe. Hotpot @ Red Sichuan isn't too shabby!!

Then went with Diana to meet her favourite cousin, James . He looks so familiar and then we realised its cus we were both in VSA at the same time. He was part of Cumbo VSA. Never officially met him tho but he has vids of our UNSW committee dancing at camp + a pic of me in the background of one of the team challenges HAHAH

we got a lil ☝️🌲💨 and James gave us a magnificent light show hahaha. My mum called me and yelled at me for always coming home so late during dis time. She was like, "why do you go out with your cousins and keep going out after?? Your sister came home straight away BUT YOU'RE STILL OUT YOU BETTER NOT BE DRINKING" etc. 

then Diana dropped me home and we waited for a bit for my mum to go to sleep before I snuck back inside the house sighs. I'm legitimately such a bad daughter nowadays, but funny cus this is what my sister used to do and I would be the one that was at home sleeping while she was out at 3 am. 

Then went to sleeeeeeeeeeep

also u h i broke my 1 week no alcohol ban y'alls i made it 5 days


over at Amy's today to study, but not before waking up my cat and taking ugly photos of her
also thank u amy lim for promoting 50/50 on insta hehe.. absolutely stunning as Angela would say


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