Tuesday 6 August 2019

BAZZI the fish

Saturday Night

Phuc and I had a cute lil date at Jumak before Alan's birthday party because he was having a dinz with some people we didn't know... anywho, shared some food and soju, had a lil dnm when we got tipsy and then went to soju alley to meet the rest of emmmmm. Everyone was so drunk ? ?? ? ?? Joanne made us drink more soju and like legit chugged sooo much in such a short period of time. 
Then Diana messaged me and she was out too with some Bonnyrigg people just for the fuckin lols so I met up with them, showed her soju alley (she had never been before) and then we bought many bottles of sojuuuuuu. Stumbled to Sanct where we had some long islands and then someone had the great idea to go to MASSIF!?!??!

so yes here we are at Massif... got shit from Jo and Selz for dogging kae but yooooooo its not every day you get the chance to go to MASSIFfffff
took a selfie with other Sarina, don't remember taking it
then we all went home together and she drunk drove me home again u h h h hhhhh


woke up and tipsy tutored my kid, then another kid and then went to uni where I depression ate a cheeseburger happy meal in my car before I joined Yiyi and Anne in Willis Annexe to do MTRN3500. Life was legit saved by Anne because she knew so much already and like helped me get a lot of shit done very quickly. Without Anne and Stephen's code from last time I legit would've died. Also Bree joined us to study probably after Mina left hmmmmmmmmmmm hMMMMMMM 
ANYWHO it was actually a very fun night hehehe. Went down to Mamak at one point to grab dinz with Yiyi and bumped into Niina and Vincent who were also getting food/coffee. Yiyi and I stayed till around 12, then drove behind one another the whole way back to our area. Every red light we stopped at, we rolled the windows and said ew and fuck you at least 12 times.


Dalz drove me up again at 6:15 am, wanted to neck myself. But went to SEB with her, did a bit more of my MTRN3500 then spent the rest of the day inside Willis Annexe finishing it off as well as finishing off my MTRN4230. 

Got 20/20 for 3500 and 19.5/20 for 4230 FUCK YEAH THANKS STEPHEN HEHEHHEHEHEHE yeeet the hecking bois....

then Dalz drove me home, waited for Diana to finish work and then yes cool sick lit COOL I'm going to stop talking about her  on this blog heheh. also Yiyi told me that she thought my last blog post was titled 2 Soon because I left her house at 2 am and it was "2" Soon smh I'M NOT THAT DEEP YALL

why was it called 2 soon?


ok so I was going stop talking about her but basically we have a son now and his name is bazzi
LOOK AT HIM HE'S SO PRETTTTTTY like when the light hits him he turns blue and its so cool. 


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