Tuesday 20 August 2019

while we're young

ooft this song and the cover art... YUM.

I was today years old when I found out Jhene is pronounced Janay instead of Juh-heen.

Saturday Night

Andrew came over to Amy's as well and "studied" with us but more like lay in Amy's bed and played on his phone. Had dinner with Amy's fam for the first time in a luong time then went home. 
^ look at how comfortable he made himself in her room

Went to gym with Phuc again and we did arms and chest... twas quite a struggle fml. IM SO WEAK. Anywho, got home, showered and then Diana needed me to pick up her and her best friend Yvonne up from Canley cus they were hammered. She drove to the bar knowing full well she was going to drink and when I got there she was legit falling over and STILL WANTED TO DRIVE. 

Met them at Bar 53 in Canley which is legit a full blown BAR. but why would you put a bar in Canley?? Theres legit nothing to do there. Was so busy and packed with LGs and LBs fuck. 

Anywho, took them both on an adventure to Liverpool maccas where we ate some nuggz and sat in the car listening to music. Waited for Yvonne's ride to finish work to pick her up and then I drove Diana home in her car. Had to cancel tutor in the morning because I had to leave my car at Canley and wouldn't get it early enough but legit messaged my kid at 1 am........ OOP.

also had my first RBT that night... driving two drunk children in Diana's car. Luckily Yvonne remembered to put out the P plates and I full went back to my car to get my wallet beforehand omg. could've been so bad


Went for brekky at Broken Rice Canley and then said bye bye :( Was pretty good actually and sooooo cheap
Tutored my kid at his house, was about to go to uni afterwards then changed my mind last minute. so went home instead and was unproductive a f. 

made meow meow a new toy comprised of the plastic ringing ball I purchased + an old shoelace. She really likes it heheheh full flipping over in the air trying to catch it. 
just a day in the life of meow meow and bored Serena. Spot the meow meow!!!


What a productive day aye. Went to Liverpool to buy some corporate clothes to wear to Deloitte interview + socks and deo i'd been needing for a while. Then went home and cleaned my room for legit 2 hours, changed my bed sheets for the first time in a luong time and then sent Aidan his homework. Found all these society shirts I had purchased (uhhh some may have been stolen) and laughed because SO MUCH HECKIN BLUE AND NAVY. After I took it, I found another WIESoc shirt in my closet smh
then Doiana picked me up, we went to bowling and dinz. I beat her in the first game and in the second game we made bets. she really fked up on the last bowl and I only had to get 4 to beat her but guess the fuck what I CHUCKED BOTH INTO THE GUTTER wtf is wrong with me??
anywho, went to Parramatta for Pappa Rich yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm KSJF;LAKSJDFLKAJ. Nasi lemak is banging as always
Ran into one of her best friends yoikes. Then went back to my house to chill for a bit - again my mum happily started talking to her in viet and asked if we had a good time rockclimbing which we did not do O_O

 also hahha stephen sent this to cambodian snapchat and I laughed


Did an assessment centre for DDDDeloitte and kinda fucked it HAHAHA but thats ok eveyrone else in my group also fucked it. we had no idea what we were doing in the challenge and the supervisors were talking more than us trying to teach us how to go about it. Also we had one really annoying girl in our group who was just talking so much but she had no idea how to do anything and was just wasting our time T_T. Tamar was in my group so we were both just like giving each other looks every time she spoke smh. 

one on one interview was nothing amazing - convo was fine and connected a lil with the interviewer 

Ran into Teresa Pham at the coffee cart!!! so nice and excited as usual LMFAO. Then came back to uni and ran into Riya who also works at Deloitteeeeee. Went to Ainsworth to "study" with Amy and Niina but both went to their respective exams so now I am all by myself, yet again.

me desperate to get all the participation marks I can HAHAHAH
also my arms are still hurting from gym 3 days agao wtf


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