Saturday 3 August 2019

leg day

Leg Day (Thursday)

Dalz drove me to uni again hehehe for my 8 am subcom meeting. It was actually a fun meeting, I want to have them more in person but also ceebs the 8 am trek so... 

Met up with my BIOM group to finish off our leg to show our client that day. We had to wait for the glue to dry so Niina and I went to get some spaghetti and coffeeeee. Ate and drank at the steps outside of SEB. It was such a NOICE day
Then walked up to Samuels to present it. He was really excited but then lowkey sad when he found out we weren't going to make him a real leg because no $$$$$$$$ :(
Then went to Ainsworth to study and do my assignment. Had exec meeting where I was in such a shit mood because I was sosooso stressed. Angela was drunk and gave us some cheesecake - IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD

then went back to Ainsworth to stress - had a mental breakdown over how screwed I was then Stephen called me and made me feel better. Got home super super super lateeeeeeeeeeee :(


woke up late, went to uni late and met up with Stephen to finish off this damn assignment. submitted it 5 mins before the deadline and blogged. then killed time for 2 hours because I was so ceebs and started doing my other assignment due next monday. Spent an hour trying to set up my open GL but it wouldn't FUCKING WORK even with Yiyi's help>:(  SO ANGERYYY and now I really don't want to do it sighs

drove home early because was still angery then Diana picked me up and we went on a maccas run. She came back to mine but my parents were home soooo they met her and it was so funny my mum was like to her, "hmmm I've never seen you before" and Diana was like yeah we just met at uni
I will never get over this young jodie foster interview HAHAHHAHHAHHA

then my mum went downstairs to my dad and was like, "have you seen her before?" and my dad was like, "no, weird" HAHAHAHA. Legit give my parents shit for having shit facial recognition of my friends and never remembering their names but hey they were pree good. they full spoke viet to her as well. we just chilled in my room playing tetris (she's almost as talented as I am) then she went homeeeee

"your friend yesterday was so pretty what does she study?"


"wow, if she studied engineering I bet you all the boys would chase after her."


"why are no boys chasing after you?"

my mother is such a savage sometimes


LAzy saturday, woke up, made breakfast then did my Origin video interview. WAS SO FUNNY I'm so retarded and can't speak properly. Was having a lot of fun wiht it tho. now going out to dinz with bae Phuc and then going to drink with VSA for Alan's birthday ya yeeteeeeeeeet


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