Wednesday 31 July 2019

2 soon


woke up still lowkey drunk from ivy the night before, tutored Aidan and Lily then went home to do nothing. Selz and Joanne came over to study - did an application then procrastinated from doing my BIOM assignment until 9pm, 3 hours before it was due xD


Dalz drove me to uni way too fucking early again. Had class with Yiyi, then went to a robotics lecture by myself :(  Checked off my laser for my MTRN assignment then returned to Ainsworth where Cambodians + Amy + Bree were chilling and we did nothing. Vivian braided all our hair hehehe was very nice.

Then Cambodians made our way to Sejong all you can eat to fill up and get fucked up. Haven't drank with Cambodians in such a long time HAHAH they are all so funny and I missed this. These were the only two photos I took that night ........... um
Diana picked me up from the station and we drove around for a while before she dropped me home at 2. We needed to pee so bad so she came into my house for a bit but my dad was still up so we were sneaking around it was so funny


Drove Phuc and Dalz to uni, met up with Amy to hang for a bit before she want to class, then met up with PHUC'S THOTS to give him his birthday present at SEB and catch up. IT WAS SO FUN HEHEHHEHEH. We gave him a passport holder and scarf :) 

Then Niina and I had to leave to start 3D printing our dumbass foot for BIOM. Ran around everywhere around uni to try find spare printers but they were all being used so we had to camp in front of them to like wait and make sure no one intercepted them

Ended up being able to print most of the parts and Stephen pulled through with his own 3D printer at home and helped print out last piece!!!

Then went to dinz with Diana hehe at Seoul Project and grabbed the yogurt drink at Chinatown for dessert. We were walking through Chinatown and I was messaging Stephen back about the 3D print when I heard some bitch say, "Serena" and I look up and VIV TRAN is out with her boyfriend. She had the biggest smirk on her face omfg WHAT A HOE

Mummy Dalz and Daddy Phuc picked us both up from the city in my car lmfaooooo then we drove back to Phuc's house to drop mum and dad off. drove back to diana's house and chilled there for a while before going homeeeeeeeee

tired as shit I need to start my assignment


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